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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. When you realize that your eyesight's gotten worse
  2. Dear anon(s), I don't know which one of you it is, but it's almost October, please stop with the fireworks or whatever it is you're doing. Feeling my entire house shake isn't a good experience and upsets my cat --occasionally anxious neighbor
  3. I cleaned my room, bathroom, and laptop. (I found some things I thought I'd lost which was a nice plus.) And I worked on my one essay a little bit. Being productive for once is a good feeling
  4. Animal Crossing New Leaf I'm not saying it's the right thing to do but, emulators are a thing if the need to scratch that HM itch gets bad enough Also just getting a 3DS is an option too. They're pretty neat, especially since the new ones are amiibo compatible
  5. Well, posting those here isn't incorrect I just don't remember that thread exists half of the time and other than one or two sentences, I don't really have anything to say that would add to any discussion that might be taking place.
  6. Akagami no Shirayukihime This one's cute. The main couple's moving at a snail's pace half the time but it's still pretty damn cute Also Lupin III 2015 I heard the opening is essentially gibberish but I still really like it...
  7. When something you want goes on sale
  8. I found out today's bi visibility day!
  9. Adding The Skeleton Twins, Clockwork Orange, and Dear Zachary to my list of movies to watch soon. ...just gotta figure out when I can set aside the time to watch all these movies
  10. I've had this song stuck in my head a lot recently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLx_7wEmwms
  11. "You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room." --Dr. Seuss
  12. When the desks are in rows, I usually sit towards the front so I can concentrate better and see the board since I'm not exactly a tall person. When the desks are put into tables or partially into tables though, the tables are usually put closer to the front so the talkative kids who usually take the tables will pay attention, which puts the rows fairly far back. Or if there's only tables, other people being in my direct line of sight all the time throws off my concentration and if someone's next to me closer towards the board, I usually can't see around them. And there's usually more group work assigned when there's tables set up. It's just overall not a good time
  13. Talked to my one friend for the first time in 9-ish months which was nice she's already stressed about school and college though which is not so nice
  14. (thank you!) More pictures of Pluto were released recently and stitched together to create a smoother, larger image, These ones were taken by the New Horizons and are a lot more detailed than previous photos we've seen. Though the pictures are a lot better quality, it's a little disappointing they're in black and white especially since we now know that Pluto is sorta copper colored and not gray. But considering just how far those images have traveled, it's hard to complain! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgl9jJUzITg And on the topic of space, a group of guys made a to scale model of the solar system out in Nevada on a dry lakebed. It gives measurements and everything too and it's overall pretty cool and puts things into perspective. (Unfortunately, they don't include Pluto in the video though </3) The video has gotten quite a bit of acknowledgment since it was updated just a few days ago so sorry if you've already seen it,, , , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR3Igc3Rhfg More things happened! A new type of dinosaur was found up in Alaska. It is the northernmost dinosaur ever discovered, was 30ft long, and was duck-billed. It's been named "Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis" which means "ancient grazer of the Colville River" Scientists are still trying to figure out just how those dinosaurs were able to survive up there. (x) Humans are now proven to have auras... well sort of. They're a little more gross than spiritual in this case. But everyone has their own little "cloud" that follows them around and is unique to them. It consists of microbes, fungus, and dead skin cells. You also leave little bits of it behind on things you touch. And you can tell what sex a person is by what's in their "aura" This is fairly new information and not a lot of research on our microbiomes has been done yet. Scientists are hoping that knowing more about microbiomes and what roles they play could potentially help figure out a way to regulate and prevent airborne diseases. (x)
  15. cheese that's often on Italian food define fungi
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-UmfqFjpl0
  17. Dorohedoro I really like the art and character designs. The plot seems interesting too
  18. Hopefully in 10 years society as a whole will be less petty
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