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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. Really? D: I thought rhinos were one of those things all zoos had. I don't know if this also applies to ivory or not (I doubt it does but maybe some of their uses to cross over somewhere down the line) but the first link says rhinos's horns are being poached so they can be used mainly for medicinal uses in China, Vietnam, and apparently some people in the West (didn't clarify where in the West) think it can be used as a sexual stimulant too. Poaching's one of those things where unless the animal lives in a protected area, it has a chance of being targeted :/ And if poaches kill off all the adults in a herd and all the babies die because they can't take care of themselves, that's a huge blow to a species's numbers especially if that's happening in multiple areas constantly. It's definitely one of the bigger, most widespread threats to elephants/rhinos. The main problem with the idea of dyeing animal tusks/horns is that the group/person who thought up the idea is still trying to figure out how to make a dye that would be long lasting, wouldn't hurt the animal, and also wouldn't be too costly to make since they'd need to dye tens if not hundreds of thousands of animals's tusks/horns. Hopefully if/once they do figure out a dye that would be effective, they'll have the money to be able to go out and stain enough tusks/horns. As you said, since rhinos are smaller maybe they'll at least be able to help them even though their plan is focused on saving elephants. You also have to wonder if since horns and tusks are two different materials if the dye would only work on one or the other but not both.
  2. ok but what about now....? have I won yet now?
  3. I wish I had garlic bread and that it wasn't so hot
  4. Dear anon, I'm really dense and overall pretty stupid. I'm well aware; just bear with me. In like 3 years I'll probably be at least somewhat smarter. --me -------------- Dear other anon, ahhh h h h you're really nice;;;; --still me --------------- Dear other other anon, Making plans 3 and 7 months in advance is probably not our smartest idea. Especially since we're already hyped yet don't even know if we'll be in town/free when those dates roll around but screw it, I'm lookin' forward to it already. hope this doesn't fall through the cracks and that I'll get to see you guys before then since I haven't seen you guys since late May --that kid you're still friends with for some reason
  5. It's good to know the reporters where you live do help out those in need! I know local news stations here will occasionally have like meet ups at places where volunteer work is needed, but those don't happen often enough for anyone to really know just how much work newscasters actually put in over the course of a year or so. That makes sense. It's probably one of those things were they'll show it occasionally to raise awareness and look good but do actually help out even when no footage is shown on tv.
  6. Sorta....? Kinda....? Not really...? Is their favorite meal of the day breakfast?
  7. Whaat have you never been to a zoo and seen rhinos? Some subspecies are doing ok (but not great) like white rhinos and Indiana rhinos, but black rhinos, Javan rhinos, and Sumatran rhinos aren't doing well and are threatened or endangered. The main threat (tiny gore warning for the link) to rhinos is humans actually because, like elephants, they're hunted for their ivory/whatever rhino's have since it's apparently not ivory. Surely nature does have a least some part to do with it but they as a species wouldn't be in such a position if poaching wasn't as widespread. (as far as I know , only one rhino subspecies is extinct and that's the western black rhino and its extinction is being blamed on poachers.) I recently saw an idea that to prevent elephants from being killed, their tusks would be injected with a dye that would devalue their tusks and therefore make them not worth killing. The idea has been criticized as being near impossible to actually pull off which is unfortunate. Maybe if they focused on doing that in areas where poaching is a big problem it could work though.
  8. Only with certain video games has bought something online within the past week?
  9. Nope! Has watched at least one anime ep in the past week?
  10. I've assumed they do too but I wonder just how involved they get. Do they help out at shelters, food kitchens, build homes, and/or just donate money? Sometimes reporters are only in areas for a little while and if they're only there a night or two, especially if they're in a different time zone than they're used to, just how much can they help? I'd also assume they'd want at least a little publicity from it since it'd not only help those in need, but would help the reporters too and make them seem more human and maybe even somewhat neighborly. *shrugs* I've only seen bits and pieces of Planet Earth so I'm actually not familiar with he polar bear and walrus confrontation and now knowing how it ends I don't feel particularly inclined to look up the apparently unforgettable scene. I guess that's kinda understandable though. If the show's goal is to document nature and all aspects of it, human involvement in anything would sort of sabotage the show's purpose. And if their crew didn't include a vet that's even more reason to leave 'em alone even though that's obviously pretty cruel and hard to watch/witness. *insert obligatory tidbit about survival of the fittest here*
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