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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. Dear anon, "You've poked ___ 42 times in a row!" this is getting out of hand but we both know neither of us is gonna back down 'guess this means we're formally at war a poke war, that is --me
  2. My mom's the one in my family that snores really badly haha. If my family's ever in a hotel, we either have to fall asleep before her or end up burying our heads under our blankets if we want to get any sleep haha
  3. "Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life." "A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way." "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." --Mark Twain
  4. I wish for my online classes to not be too difficult
  5. when your house shakes because your neighbors decide to set off fireworks that are way too big to be shot off in residential areas and then don't bother to clean up after themselves the following day no .. . . . i'm not bitter about this past weekend, just salty. Incredibly, incredibly salty
  6. I wonder just how many more major historical events will have happened by the end of the century
  7. yes :') https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2RJN9a_jdM
  8. I define my previous summer vacations by whatever music I was really into at the time
  9. "Never let your fear decide your fate."
  10. Snoring. Especially when you can hear it coming through the walls when you're at a hotel or something.
  11. I hope that won't be too detrimental to the mission and that any and all problems with the computer(s) onboard the probe get fixed soon. They've come so far, the mission can't fail now.
  12. I found out that toads and frogs are apparently very attracted to my house. There's no standing water or anything so I don't know why they're there but there's been at least 6 different toads that have just been chilling in our basement window wells recently.
  13. Welcome to DCW! I hope you'll enjoy your time here!
  14. dear anon, idk who you are or what happened but you really messed up if you caused the entire area with about 70k people in total to lose both cable and internet for like 4hours on a weekday hope you aren't out of a job come tomorrow morning --admittedly very salty local resident ------- dear anonymous, I'm very stubborn, very bad at communicating, and I'm very sorry --me ------- dear self, water u doing, u were supposed to start working on those online classes this past week and now it's 30 minutes to thursday and the only thing you've accomplished is getting a little farther along in uncharted 3 and watching some old silent movies school starts in 2 weeks, you gotta start those soon since you have 3 classes to finish you also desperately need to clean your closet since almost a year later it's still mostly unpacked boxes --me
  15. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    Youtube did a thing! A really, really nice thing!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSiehK2asbI is it bad that I laughed at "so gay"
  16. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    Did you guys hear about all the buildings that displayed rainbow lighting last night? Most of them have the rainbow lighting due to it being LGBT Pride Month and that a lot of Pride Parades happen around this time but I think the White House just put up the rainbow lighting yesterday (more rainbow buildings here) I didn't see anything about Arkansas last night or today. I looked into it today though and while Arkansas's governor expressed that while it goes against his personal beliefs, he'll abide by the Supreme Court's ruling and marriage licenses will be issued to same sex couples that want them.
  17. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    (thank you, you two for posting because I saw stuff I wanted to add but didn't want to make my first post from earlier today even longer) Some 9 hours later after first hearing the ruling and I've still this stupidly happy grin on my face :') Though I personally find it a little crude, a lot of things, such as this image, are going around social media currently are regarding what progress still has to be made in the US regarding LGBT+ rights and quality. Gay marriage is a really huge step but it's only one small step towards full equality. (Kinda wish this could've been held off a day so we could all just take a day to be happy about this and celebrate all the marriages before going back to remember that there's still a lot of progress to be made in the US and internationally but I suppose it's better than people acting as though this decision solves all LGBT+ inequality.) And if you want to see some cute pictures of same sex couples getting married/marriage licenses today, here you go! These pictures are a very good reminder of just how important a decision like this is! Some of these couples have been waiting literally decades for today and seeing pictures of the moment they've been waiting for so long is really powerful! Some of Texas's influential political leaders are more or less unsurprisingly voicing their views on it. I haven't heard too much negativity coming from other southern states but there probably is quite a bit of anger down there regarding the new ruling. It seems like the majority of the country is really happy and proud of the decision today though! EDIT: Louisiana's, Texas's, and Mississippi's governors are standing against the Supreme Court's decision.(x) I don't know what they think their opposition will accomplish though...? It seems like those three are the only southern states actually not recognizing the ruling.
  18. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    First things first, I started writing this at the end of May, my laptop restarted a couple days ago and lost everything I had written, and because I had finals and two big tests last week and had family stuff recently so I didn't get time until now to rewrite anything so sorry for the wait! dear lord this took a long time to write That being said, happy LGBT Pride Month! This month if you google LGBT or the words making up the acronym Google displays a rainbow banner at the top of the page. When I first tried it a couple days ago asexual and pansexual weren't included in this but when I tried it today they both got the banner as well! --Since I've been working on this sporadically over the month the news stories have been in chronological order but this is too important to go towards the end! The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of same sex marriage!! The vote was only 5-4 but this means same sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states! This is a huge win for all Americans today because even if you, yourself aren't affected by this decision, your family/friends might be! The fight for LGBTQIA+ equality isn't over but this is a huge, huge, huge step in the right direction! To have this happen during Pride month only makes it better too! Congrats to any and all couples personally affected by this decision and are now married or engaged as of today! Probably the most well known story is that earlier this month it was revealed that Caitlyn Jenner will be/is on the cover of this month's Vanity Fair! Caitlyn, formerly known as Bruce, finally showed us what she looks post transition and told the world her new name! She looks really good too, especially considering her age! This got a lot of media coverage and for the most part the news stations and people that misgendered Caitlyn were all condemned for it. And despite a petition going up to have her Olympic medals revoked the International Olympic Committee have stated that they won't strip her of her medals! (Vanity Fair article) Target released an LGBT Pride Month related ad the other day. The message is nice and it's nice to see another LGBT+ accepting brand Miley Cyrus recently came out as genderqueer/nonbinary (genderfluid to be more exact) and pansexual(..?). In a photoshoot and interview with Paper Magazine she said, "I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn't involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that's legal, I'm down with. Yo, I'm down with any adult--anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me. ... I don't relate to being boy or girl, and I don't have to have my partner relate to boy or girl." She didn't use any labels or terms specifically but the way she worded things matches the definition of pansexual and nonbinary. Some people are skeptical of her saying this could just be a ploy to get attention for herself or her recently launched Happy Hippie Foundation which helps homeless and LGBT youth. It'd be angering if it turns out this whole thing is a lie but assuming it's not, it's nice to get such good awareness for pansexuality and genderqueer identities since they're glossed over quite a bit. (Paper Magazine article --Pictures in the article are NSFW) Youtuber Ingrid Nilsen came out earlier this month via an emotional youtube video. She explained her experience with struggling with the fact that she is gay and her coming out and acceptance process. Congratulations to Ingrid! Coming out, especially to such a large audience can be a very challenging, hard thing to do and I think she handled it really well! Unfortunately, not all LGBT news this month is good news. Michigan Governor Rick Synder signed in a law that would allow faith based adoption agencies to deny service to same sex couples/families. So y'know in other words this is essentially saying that certain adoption centers could not give kids the opportunity to go into loving homes if that home just so happen to be a family with two dads or two moms. I just.... ohm y god why (huffington post article) (I wrote a lot holy crap sorry if I accidentally skipped any parts too! It just started looking like a wall of text at some point haha) Yeah, the amount of sex thrown at us in movies, advertisements, and songs can feel a little suffocating. It's one of those things that once you're aware of it, you continue to stay hyper aware of it. It's arguably better than sex being so taboo it's not talked about at all but it's a little much y'know? No problem! I'm glad you found found AVEN helpful! It really is a big problem that some parents can't even fathom their children being transgender. (a parent's transphobic views will likely be passed down to their children too and if that child's very vocal about their hateful views it could ultimately hurt others) Love for one's children shouldn't be conditional. And seeing your child happy should make you happy right? Even if your child isn't transgender, shaming girls who are tomboys and play out in the dirt or are rougher or shaming boys who might like dress up and dolls is harmful too. When that kid's older they'll much rather remember being allowed to play with whatever toys they want instead of being told playing with certain toys is wrong. These are some reasons why trans visibility and acceptance is important because it can literally save lives. Or on a lesser but still important scale, it can save a lot of kids from being unhappy and have a negative self image from an early age.
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