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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. I'm not very knowledgeable about wwii but "aryan" doesn't necessarily mean a racist person. (excluding those who identify as aryan today, those people most definitely are) I think "aryan" was just used to describe the white European appearance that Hitler viewed as the most superior race. (the "ideal aryan" had blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin and ironically enough, Hitler didn't even fit that bill as he was a brunette with brown eyes) If I'm not mistaken, people with aryan appearances who had "impurities" were also killed in the holocaust (ex: those who had physical disabilities, mental illness, and/or were gay) but their numbers were a lot smaller compared to other groups the Nazis went after. (I did double check a lot of what I said but please correct me if I'm wrong!) Completely switching gears here but yeah the mass extinction didn't start recently. We've lost at least 77 species of mammals, 140 types of bird, and 34 amphibians since 1500 so scientists have been keeping an eye on this for a while. I'm assuming humans play the biggest part in the mass extinction since a lot of industrialization, pollution, and population increase came about in the past 500 years but the Earth just doing what it does probably had some part in it too but it's a minor part in comparison. I'm sure a bunch of species went extinct at least partially because of humans. Especially if the species had the climate and humans working against it its survival. (ex: wooly mammoths) The reason it didn't cause a mass extinction is probably because it's a lot harder to hunt hundreds of species into extinction compared to now where humans are unintentionally harming animals. (ex: habitat loss, we know the deforestation of rainforests is bad yet it still happens. Not to mention tribes who still reside in those forests are also harmed by this) Despite the industrial revolution happening so long ago it didn't come and go without any consequences* though. And coal leaves behind coal ash which if not stored properly can cause horrific spills. And that's the thing, organizations can certainly help a ton! They can only do so much though. Some species might get to the point where they only exist in captivity. It's better than them completely being gone but it's not much better.. Take Lonesome George the last known Pinta Island tortoise for example. When he died in 2012 , the subspecies he belonged to just stopped existing because there were no females he could mate with to continue the subspecies. Lonesome George was even referred to as the rarest animal in the world during his last years. it doesn't It might not be as brutal but animals are still dying :c And I vote we send all the harmful human waste to space and make the aliens deal with it, it's a completely foolproof plan amiright??? ----- *I wanted to link a Lonesome George video I came across because I thought it gave a lot of perspective and realized one of my links stopped working, like the entire site's just down but I was able to access a cached copy and screenshot it so if anyone cares, here
  2. ...what do you define as 'cooking'? Do you mean like being able to follow fairly simple recipes/instructions or actually having somewhat of an ability to cook from scratch?
  3. Dear anonymous, You've been very quiet since you got back from your vacation... too quiet I admittedly don't really how you spend most of your days or know how truly busy you may be but you always respond fairly soon after I contact you text me first for once dammit --me -------------- Dear anon, "Remember to continue working on your summer classes over break." Ok but what if I just, ,, didn't. . . . . It's called a break for a reason.... I don't intend on completely ignoring them but I worry you have the expectation that I'm going to work on those a lot more than I'm actually going to --
  4. "Whatever makes you weird is probably your greatest asset." --Joss Whedon *uses "kill me" in their daily vocabulary as an expression of ironic despair* (To be honest, I actually really like this quote so don't think I'm picking on you! c: )
  5. A recent study shows that cat videos do improve one's mood. Watching cat videos can reduce anxiety, energize you, and even help with procrastination. The survey the findings came from had about 7,000 participants so this, like every study, can't speak for everybody. Almost 90% of the people who took the survey were female so it was noted that there's a chance males might respond differently to cat videos. (If by some weird, unlikely stroke of luck that happens to be true, I feel sorry for all of you unless men experience more positive effects for some reason.) It's still a crummy feeling knowing we humans are directly responsible for this for the most part. The previous mass extinctions were the result of natural disasters whereas this one's the result of humans being uncareful and unknowingly irresponsible for a long time. The part that nags at me the most though is that species we haven't even discovered yet might be ceasing to exist because our actions... you sound very salty But yeah, that's a blunt way to put it
  6. I saw Inside Out on Friday and I saw Jurassic World today. Inside Out was ok! Not the best Pixar movie but it wasn't bad. I liked the theme it had too! Pixar's animation still bothers me though like.. I dunno the character models just look weird to my. Jurassic World was alright. My tolerance for those types of movies is very low but it wasn't bad--I didn't dislike it. It should be noted that the theater was terrible and I was very salty during the whole thing which probably made me not like it as much though. But the dinosaurs looked nice! (I wish the triceratops and stegosauruses had gotten more screen time though...) And the unnecessary romantic subplot made me very unhappy
  7. The world has entered its sixth mass extinction according to Stanford University. Animals are dying out 100x faster than the normal rate apparently. Humans seem to be the main cause of this increase in species going extinct too. What an inconceivable concept amiright???? ?? hooooraaaayyyyyy. To think we no longer can have our presence graced by creatures such as this giant wombat in all seriousness though this is pretty concerning...
  8. When your cat willingly spends time with you
  9. I wonder what the latter half of the year holds in store
  10. I found out my sister will be visiting soon
  11. I wish for my upcoming tests to not be too difficult
  12. Just finished A League of Their Own ,,,I really liked it as someone who doesn't watch a ton of actual baseball I sure do watch quite a few things about fictional baseball
  13. Welcome to DCW! I hope you'll enjoy your time here!
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