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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. Dear anons, H-hey remember middle school? --No? Me... me neither.. . . . hah, , , nevermind... --me ------------------------ Dear anonymous, I know I literally haven't talked to you in.. christ almost 10 years now but, long story short, I still have your birthday and favorite color and other pointless things about you down pat. And from what I've heard through the grapevine you went through a crappy time a couple years ago--I went through a crappy time a couple years ago maybe we could just talk or something....? There's no way you can still hold any negative feelings towards me right? I digress, hit me up, we should catch up considering we did spend a good chunk of our young childhood together. accept my facebook friend request dammit --the annoying kid that lived behind you
  2. etrian odyssey untold level guide
  3. "... I'm beginning to think that there's nothing more courageous, and nothing harder, than actually just being yourself." --Mark Foster
  4. I wonder when my friends get out of school
  5. I hate how quickly things get dirty again right after you clean them
  6. I used to be(...? might still be) very good at creative writing Well what do you like then? ​...going solely off of art style, are your icon and signature homestuck by any chance?
  7. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    Yeah asexuality certainly does have its upsides haha. The having relationships based more so on emotions than sexual attraction is definitely a huge one for a lot romantic aces. One of the worst aspects of asexuality is realizing not everyone else also has this type of thinking though. It's sorta like once you realize how nice it is that there are other people like yourself who value emotions and compatibility in relationships you don't really get why other people care more about the sexual aspect of relationships. (like there's a ton of articles out there about how all healthy, long term, successful intimate relationships need sex and just... no????? like it's fine if they do but it probably shouldn't be a necessity and a deal breaker ...right? Then again, different people have different ideals and needs so it's hard to say) Ah I see! Solely going off your short paragraph, perhaps you could be demisexual..? Demisexual people only feel sexual attraction to people once some type of emotion bond has been established. Regardless of whether or not you turn out to be demisexual, you're still graysexual/gray-a like you said The physical attraction you're referring to is most often referred to as aesthetic attraction since physical attraction can initially sound a little misleading as it sounds like you could be referring to sensual attraction (though 'sensual' has a somewhat sexual definition, the connotation it has in the ace community isn't necessarily sexual) which is the attraction you feel towards people you wanna cuddle and hold hands with. With the aromantic thing though, I do know a couple aromantics and I even fall on the aro spectrum! It's not as though aromantics don't feel any love at all, most, if not all of us feel platonic attraction and usually very strong emotional attraction towards other people, it's just that that's as far as our intimate feelings go. We appreciate others' presence, being around them, being apart of their life, and being important to them but even with the people we have that sort of relationship with and find aesthetically attractive we don't feel the desire to have a romantic relationship with them. Some aromantics do want to be "normal" but just because one's aromantic doesn't mean they can't do romantic things and appear "normal". A lot of aromantics actually want and search out queerplatonic partners. QP relationships aren't based on romantic and/or sexual feelings (though their fondness for each other might be expressed through romantic/sexual means) and are just two people who feel very emotionally attracted and connected to one another. In short, we value friendships and platonic relationships as highly as people who feel romantic and/or sexual attraction value intimate relationships. Some aromantics do detest the fact that they don't have the capacity to understand romantic relationships but since queerplatonic relationships are a thing it gives some of us hope that we can still have close relationships. (I say 'some' because there are aromantics out there that are happily single and don't want nor feel the need to have a significant other) You're right about it feeling terrible to have literally everything buzzing about romance and not being able to understand it much at all. It feels like you're missing out on something amazing considering how high of a pedestal romance is put on. It's also a pain to see it everywhere, so many movies and books are littered with unnecessary romantic plots and subplots and it just gets irritating after a while. If you think you also fall on the ace spectrum first of all, welcome to the community as well , and secondly, I'd like to point you in the direction of the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network (aka AVEN) if you don't mind since there's a lot of good information regarding asexuality and just the ace spectrum in general over there! As for the gender thing, I think it's great that not only young kids can recognize they're trans but that their parents are recognizing and accepting that their child is transgender! Trans kids getting support from their families and being allowed and encouraged to dress the way they feel most comfortable from an early age is especially important! I know some kids know they're trans pretty early on, the youngest ones I've seen have realized they're trans at age 2 which is around the time children start speaking simple sentences. Obviously, when they're that young that can't express themselves very clearly but if you have a little girl saying she wants to be or is a boy, is refusing to dress in girl clothes, and is always gravitating towards the boys sections in stores, (s)he probably has a better idea of their gender identity than what we're giving them credit for. Then again, with kids younger than 5 you have to be a little cautious since they're changing a lot but even so, their parent(s) would probably be able to tell by then whether it was just a phase or not. And then the thing you have to worry about is whether or not the parents are aware being transgender is even a thing Very true!
  8. Dear anon, ty for putting up with me. I'm very boring, I'm well aware of that, im srry --me
  9. When you get behind in things you're watching
  10. was.. was it really? I'm so dense sometimes I'm sorry I don't remember kids KittyPaw's age being that negative either..? Maybe she hangs around a different crowd than we did when we were that age haha Man.. those were the days though. It does get harder once middle school starts it also gets a lot more fun. The teenage years can be the absolute pits at times but it's still a really fun time. If it is a phase hopefully it'll end soon for her because having such a negative outlook so early can't be nice place to be.
  11. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    That's fine! The sentiment stands regardless haha I'm glad you don't seem too bothered by it too since I know quite a few people that are very unhappy they fall on the asexual/aromantic spectrum D:
  12. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    Welcome to the community! I heard about this earlier! It's great to see another country taking a step in the right direction--especially considering just how religious of a country Ireland is!
  13. Yeah pretty much haha. Being dragged along to go shopping or even just window shopping is actually the worst haha
  14. ...why do you like millipedes? And yeah, bugs get huge in tropical climates. I have no idea how people put up with it and aren't just constantly grossed out by it haha
  15. Awolnation - Sail Oh man, I haven't heard a Boys Like Girls song in years haha. I used to love that song though. I played that and Five Minutes to Midnight on repeat for just hours haha
  16. I found out Neil DeGrasse Tyson is older than I thought he was I also found out my ancestry might be different than originally thought
  17. In 10 years my sister will probably be married and have at least one child oh god You're in 5th grade (almost 6th grade) so in 10 years unless you get held behind a ton you'll be done with high school actually c:
  18. When political/sensitive topics are (inevitably) brought up at family events
  19. Fast bugs are pretty scary (centipedes and millipedes man... hate those things) I don't know anyone else that dislikes moths though but then again the climates we live in are pretty different so maybe the ones where you live are scarier haha
  20. Every time I play frisbee I have to be retaught how to properly throw it I feel indifferent towards shopping *obviously weird for a genderqueer individual* i'm sorry i had to
  21. cereal because my house has no other food orz
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