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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. Florence + the Machine
  2. Dear anonymous, plz.. plz do not. plz stop talking -me -------------- Dear anons, Please tell me you'll all or at least most of you will be free the weekend of the 22nd please please please please please please --also me
  3. The default tumblr theme
  4. The German word for outer space, "weltraum", because it's almost irritatingly hard to pronounce correctly orz
  5. I found out that on dictionary.com it lists the Scrabble and Words With Friends point value for whatever word you're looking up. It also lists just how well known the word approximately is with English speakers.
  6. I want to too. They're so pretty when restored. Catherine's Palace in Russia, Peleș Castle in Romania, and Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany are the main ones I want to go to (also spoilered for size)
  7. Welcome to DCW! I hope you like it here!
  8. "He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals." --Immanuel Kant
  9. When I first learned basic punctuation I misheard "period" as "pyramid" and was confused as to why it's a dot instead of a tiny triangle for a while
  10. Dinner but I can't decide what to make
  11. I found out other schools didn't have to memorize all the countries in middle school I'm glad I know where they are now but those tests were so stressful back in 7th and 8th grade orz
  12. I wish my friend would text me back
  13. People that aren't courteous
  14. When someone else makes you late for something
  15. Does anyone here understand the word "doch"? I can get that it's like a negative and is used usually along with "nicht" in sentences but I'm kinda at a lost for it, like I have no idea when it's supposed to be used vs when it's not Nein. ... "I have ___ a. :0" I'm missing something here.... i'm sorry Do you guys only use duolingo? I use memrise in addition to duolingo and I think it helps a lot! Duolingo's more learning and translating things word for word while memrise is created by users on the site so while there is the risk of there being incorrect things it seems more applicable. Because the courses are made by users of the website there's a ton of languages available that aren't on duolingo but for some courses there isn't audio that tells you how to pronounce certain words which kinda sucks. Some of the vocab kinda overlaps too but that's not necessarily a bad thing. On there I'm learning 1000 words of elementary German, basic German, and minimum viable German. And once I'm done with those I'll move onto some of the intermediate courses they offer c: (I might pick up Icelandic on there as well)
  16. "Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." --John Barrymore "less is more"
  17. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    A couple days ago on the NBC national news there were stories on transgender children that are actually happy stories showcasing how the two kids featured really came out of their shells and were overall happier after (socially) transitioning. (If they do more stories on transgender kids I'll update this accordingly if needed.) The first story was about a 5 year old transboy named Jacob and the second one was about an 8 year old transgirl named Malisa. The videos aren't sad at all and are mainly about showing that an early transition can save trans children from experience years and years of dysphoria, bullying, depression, anxiety, and other preventable mental health issues and just bad situations in general. The families were both incredibly supportive and overall just very emotional over how much more comfortable their children were after being able to be who they truly were. As there are parents out there who will refuse to let their transgender children be who they really are and misgender them and some outright abuse them, showing that there are kids out there who are so much happier after transitioning is really important. I think it's also very important that transgender individuals are being talked about when they're happy and healthy and that they're not just only being talked about when there a transgender person commits suicide or a trans person is assaulted. It also gets the word out that being transgender isn't a bad thing. During Jacob's segment they had a doctor talking about socially transitioning trans children (since they're too young to physically transition) which is something that sounds very overwhelming. It was just presented very well and showed that trans kids can be like completely different kids if allowed to be and accepted as the gender they actually are. Also, Malisa is congressman Mike Honda's granddaughter so having someone who is in support of transgender people in such a position.. it's just nice to know that there's someone on the side of such a misunderstood group in a high position. And I'd heard about that! It's great your school (and hopefully the rest of the community you live in) is supportive and accepting of LGBTQIA+ students! Especially since it sends a good message to closeted students at your school that they wouldn't be ridiculed for not being straight and/or cis. Unfortunately at one high school in Pennsylvania an anti-gay day was held the same day their school was also doing the Day of Silence and continued doing things a few days following though. The guys that participated wore flannel and wrote "anti-gay" on the back of their hands and while that's already infuriating they also apparently hung intimidating signs on LGBTQIA+ students's lockers. As bigoted as what they did already was it just makes it worse that they singled out LGBT+ students as outing someone is dangerous especially if that person is only out at school or to a couple friends. However, some students did hold like a protest against what the select few homophobic students did and made sure to show that while there is some intolerance at the school there is also support. ------------------------- Speaking of high school stuff though I saw two LGBT related "promposals" This first I saw on twitter and the original tweet has almost 16k retweets and favorites in total This one was posted on tumblr and currently has almost 70k notes! ----------------------- And if anyone cares Bruce Jenner did an interview recently and said he will be transitioning to be a transwomen later this summer if I'm not mistaken. He said he preferred he/him pronouns though and stated that the new name he chose won't be released to the public. I didn't watch the thing so I can't really summarize it other than just picking out the points of the article that stuck out to me. Fortunately it seems that his family is being supportive of his decision to transition.
  18. I used to do a ton of creative writing
  19. "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." --Edgar Allen Poe
  20. Dear anons, please respond to my things I haven't talked to you guys in a while and would like to ok ok --me
  21. I found out that the word for the light golden hair color is gender specific. "Blonde" is the female version and "blond" is the male version. I also found out that the German word "doch" is really confusing
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