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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. I wish for this weekend to come and go quickly
  2. I seldom finish video games. I usually get like 80% through with one, get stuck or end up with a bad ending, and never go back to try to finish it/get a better ending. I get too salty either with myself for making the wrong choices, being too stupid to figure out the puzzle, or being too underleveled to beat a boss
  3. ooh yeah that wouldn't be good... I'll keep that in mind when windows 10 rolls around thanks btw
  4. don't tell me you are not a fan of the wonderful joy that is a nice bath that's right on the edge between warm and too hot
  5. Yeah my plan was to wait for reviews to come out before I decide to upgrade or not. I do have a laptop but I'm still considering it anyway, why do you advise against upgrading a laptop though?
  6. Yeah setting up on another planet doesn't exactly sound cheap and while 5 billion is a lot of money in literally any other situation that doesn't sound like much at all. Whether it's a scam or not I'm sure we'll find out as their deadlines near. Regardless of whether they succeed or not I hope it's not a scam since they got so many people interested with the whole application thing.
  7. Dear anonymous, I sent you a thing but it's been quite a while.... Tumblr probably ate it again didn't it? hmm.... I need a better way to contact you since tumblr's unreliable and you're not even that active there anymore orz --fellow nerd Dear anonymous, I don't know you that well much at all, we're mutuals at best to be blunt. However, you seem like you've been down a lot and have been through some stuff, if you need to vent/blow off some steam I'm more than fine with that! I'm bad with words but I'll offer whatever support I can and if you'd like some baby animal pictures and random funny videos to cheer you up, I'm your guy. you'll be ok dude --your quietly supportive acquaintance
  8. room temperature showers/baths
  9. I wonder if windows 10 will be available for free for windows 7 users.... if so I hope windows 10 won't be terrible because it sounds like once you upgrade you can't go back. . .. . .. .
  10. I wish for it to storm soon
  11. I've heard about that; that's the thing where thousands of people applied to be candidates to go to Mars and not come back right? It does sound pretty farfetched but maybe they'll actually launch something in a few years. That time frame of theirs is very. .. .. . . optimistic at best though
  12. Dear anon, You seem really nice I feel really bad we couldn't become better friends! I'll have to get into contact with you sometime soon. 2016's nearing so any hopes of befriending you have a time limit. I'll get on that, I just hope the conversations won't end in awkward silences like they usually do. Hmm... I hope your facebook has some of your interests listed so I'll get an idea of what to talk to you about.. --kid you shared freshman year algebra with
  13. I wonder what the iphone 7 will be like
  14. According to wikipedia, NASA's expecting that the mission to send humans to Mars won't happen until the 2030s
  15. That sounds terrible D: I have no idea what's up with mine but I hope it's not that orz
  16. imagine all the new astronomical finds we'll have discovered in 10 years time
  17. an aquarium somewhere in my house, it'd just be cool having one
  18. when your phone decides to not want to turn on for a while making you freak out
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