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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. "You're going to have to give an oral presentation on your topic of choice."
  2. Yep! Long story short I go to a school that also accepts high school dropouts so some of the students are parents and one guy in math class brought his 1yr old son in for our first class. Just.. what a happy baby He was really well behaved too especially considering the class is 3 hours long. I never thought a toddler would make math class on a Monday morning more tolerable but he did.
  3. I wonder what music genre will be the most popular in 10 years. Pop? probably
  4. All I remember is that there were blood thirsty, humanoid extraterrestrials that had weapons for some reason, these life size geisha doll that moved every once in a while, and that this kid I went to grade school with was there and was being really salty while giving me a tour of the like shelter/school we were in with a bunch of like middle school age kids. (there were ≤12 year olds everywhere) The color scheme was really weird too like if you've ever gone glow in the dark mini golfing, it looked like I was inside one of those but there was a disappointing lack of mini golf and an unfortunate surplus of loud, not quite yet adolescent children. ...I don't know either
  5. I know, they just look so gentle Noctilucent clouds are really stunning too. I didn't even know luminescent clouds could be a thing nature, man... it does some crazy, breathtaking stuff sometimes
  6. Dear anon, You've been kinda a prick lately. If you're mad at me could you at least say why. Your passive aggressive posts are just getting old really quickly. -- Dear anonymous, --I'm so sorry! I never hear the little chat ping over my music and I feel terrirble I'm not ignoring you i swea r ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;;;;;; --me
  7. It's very irritating that my phone feels the need to remind me 20 times a day that it's low on storage space
  8. I wish for motivation so I can finish my english paper tonight so I won't end up with two uncompleted papers by the time the end of the week rolls around
  9. I found out cockroaches are much bigger than I originally thought they were
  10. learned about cloud chambers and bubble chambers also mammatus clouds
  11. I wonder why I thought buying so many sweaters towards the end of winter was a good idea...
  12. Orla Gartland - Lonely People (Raise Spirit Remix)
  13. I wish for time to go by slower
  14. I just found out what The Reaper in Persona 3 is. I can't believe I never ran into that thing..
  15. That google chrome needs to be updated so often
  16. when the oven takes a really long time to preheat
  17. Nope! I've never really been one to countdown to breaks actually
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