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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. But still. I took 5 years of Spanish in grade and none of that stuck with me at all orz Even only partly understanding another language, especially one like Mandarin that's so different from English, is really cool *overly dramatic sigh of relief*
  2. I wonder when I should clean my room
  3. I wish for the weather to keep being nice
  4. I found out my family will just let me sleep for hours on end without disruption
  5. When someone tries to tell you the world is completely black and white
  6. I found out it is possible to have your navel surgically removed I also learned that tomorrow is Friday the 13th
  7. It does suck that all that vegetation's gone but there's an entire new thing of (temporary) land there! At least there's photographic proof that it once existed
  8. machine

    your dream job

    Average weather like cloudiness (clouds are interesting but them just chilling in the sky not really doing much is kinda boring) and clear days aren't too interesting either (at least not to me) but storm cells, man... Whenever it storms I always end up sitting in front of the largest window in my house with laptop in front me trying to figure out where the most severe part might go and watching just how fast the clouds are moving in real time compared to how fast they move on the radar. And there's tornadoes and waterspouts that are essentially just unstoppable, high speed funnels with no regard for anything in their paths. The fact that you can see the rotation on radar images too , , they're so terrifying they're fascinating And thank you! The snow predicting models..? equipment...? (not quite sure where they get the accumulation numbers from..) are off from time to time. Hopefully that'll improve because there's few worse feelings than being told like 7 - 10in and only getting 4 - 6in. or vice versa. I'm sure in a couple years the technology will be better??? I hope it'll be more accurate at least
  9. I found that the river in my town is very, very flooded I think it's at like 15ft currently compared to it usually being around 8ft or so I also found out cloud physics are a thing
  10. to eat but nothing looks appealing at the moment
  11. *reads through recent posts* so many of you are bilingual ...I'm jealous -- Having your achievements be brushed off is annoying
  12. I wish for motivation so I can get my paper done soon orz
  13. My laugh's silent aside from the frequent gasp for air
  14. I learned there's a new island in the Pacific
  15. Hello! Welcome to DCW!
  16. Foster the People - A Beginner's Guide to Destroying the Moon
  17. I used to be very physically affectionate but now I'm really touch averse I don't know why
  18. I wish for my seasonal allergies to not be as bad this year
  19. I hope malls will still be around in 10 years.
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