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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. I found out Toy Story 4's gonna be a romcom ...I am not particularly happy about this
  2. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    I didn't either I just feel horrible for all the same sex couples that started planning their weddings/got engaged during the short amount of time it was legal only to have it go back to being illegal a couple days later And I can try to explain how agender people might feel (I'll be partly speaking from firsthand experience on this. As everyone goes through different things this obviously won't be a clean cut, widely agreed upon response of what it means to be agender. I also kept in mind on what I've heard other agender people say about their identities) To make things simple and hopefully less confusing let's limit the gender spectrum down to male, female, androgynous, and agender. Male and female are on the very extreme ends of the spectrum, androgyny's in the middle, and agender's off somewhere else. Agender's neither male nor female (nor a combination of the two). For some it might just mean they don't care much about their gender, they see themselves as themselves instead of a gender. (these folk also tend to not care about gender roles much at all) For others, them being agender is important to them and makes up a huge part of them. (I've noticed these people usually are more.. aware of gender roles I guess and usually go out of their to try to appear especially neither male nor female) In my case, I realized I was agender when I had the thought that I didn't want to be nor always be seen as male and/or female, I want to be considered a person first and foremost rather than a gender if that makes sense. (I kinda have to word that weirdly since I also ID as androgynous and that can sound contradictory saying I feel like a combination of a both yet neither at the same time. I don't fully get it either at times.) sorry if you weren't particularly looking for an answer to that btw... and I'm really tired so I apologize for any typos as well EDIT: so this happened! I liked the way the newscasters and Planet Fitness handled the whole thing. As for the people they interviewed, I can't say their responses were exactly surprising but it really shows just how little the general public knows about transgender individuals as a whole. The woman who got her Planet Fitness membership revoked annoyed me a lot though. At the very least, it's nice to see that this is a story about a transphobic person (notice how she continues to use "he" after learning the "man" in the locker room is actually a woman) getting kicked out of an accepting place instead of the transwoman being kicked out for making people uncomfortable. EDIT 2: I found an LGBTQIA+ social networking site through an asexuality group I'm in on facebook. It's called Skittlr. I've just joined it myself and am admittedly still a little hesitant of it. The layout's reminiscent of facebook, especially the chat feature. It seems kinda cool???? The general chat and few groups I've joined seem friendly enough. I just thought I'd mention it. and if anyone cares I'm machine on there as well
  3. machine

    your dream job

    I wanna be a meteorologist so bad. Ever since that one chapter in my 4th grade science class I've just been utterly fascinated with with the weather and everything. I remember we were doing this unit on clouds and I just absolutely loved it. I also remember being given a worksheet on how hot and cold fronts worked and just failing it horribly but my reaction to that bad grade was "I can't believe I messed up so badly. I'll get it one day though. I really like this stuff so I know I will." Considering how I wasn't quite used to bad grades then and gave up quite easily as well I just think that says something in one way or another. Over the years though I've also garnered an interest in engineering (robotics in particular) and psychology though my knowledge of those things is very limited. While I don't think I'd mind having a career in either of those fields due to me not knowing too much about them now I don't really have much to say about them. And my cousin and my older sister's boyfriend are both engineers (chemical and electrical respectively if I'm not mistaken) so if my interest gets piqued high enough I'll have two people I can ask. not to mention the college I'll most likely be going to is strong in engineering I've always found building stuff kinda cool and, though I'm not a people person, humans and our way of thinking and behaving fascinates me. meteorological engineering's a thing apparently though so maybe I'll end up in that haha unfortunately for me though... at least my birth name's unisex
  4. I wish for the toboggan chutes to not be too crowded Saturday
  5. I wish for the toboggan chutes to not be too crowded Saturday
  6. attempt to mentally prepare myself for adulthood
  7. dear anons, I'm bad at upholding a conversation and just conversing in general occasionally .....srry I'll reply.. eventually--definity sometime before the month's over at the very least (hopefully within the coming week though) i don't dislike you i swear i just haven't felt like talking much -me
  8. sleep but I have stuff to do orz *is currently putting off the things I need to do before I can go to bed for no good reason*
  9. I found out it's gonna be in the mid 50s next week \o/ ..to give some perspective it's currently -3F where I live with a feels like temp of -10F
  10. When all the clutter in my room actually gets in my way. I don't mind my disorganized setup majority of the time because it works for me but the few times it goes against me
  11. I wonder what social norms and slang will be like 50 years from now
  12. At all times I usually have at least 30 tabs open. Currently I have 44 up
  13. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    dammit alabama I heard about that. I feel really bad that she's being misgendered everywhere and kinda having some personal questions thrown at her about her transition as that's a personal thing y'know? Though I don't particularly like the way it's being handled, it's nice to see someone with a very high amount of celebrity status come out as trans. Another celebrity came out as trans a little while ago too. Angel Haze, a rapper if I'm not mistaken, came out as agender not too long ago on twitter. Non-binary genders aren't as often talked about so this was pretty cool too.
  14. Due to me not liking to cut my nails as a kid I keep my nails on the longer side and every once in a while if I move my hands too quickly and I'll nick my hand or arm and it won't bleed but it'll burn and just freaking hate it when that happens
  15. I wish the dog that gets lost at least once a month in my neighborhood to stop getting loose. With the higher speed limits here I worry about him..,
  16. I know ;; I can't believe I played that game almost two years ago. and I clearly never got over it as this picture is still my header on facebook What platform did you play Cave Story on btw? I played Cave Story 3D ;; for 3DS and I've looked up playthroughs of it from time to time too;; I always somehow end up on the jack story video though haha
  17. I wonder why most of my favorite videos are cat videos....
  18. Despite my occasionally crude way of speaking on the internet I seldom curse in person.
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