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Everything posted by machine

  1. food, I fell asleep last night and forgot to make myself dinner and I didn't feel like making myself a real breakfast so I'm really hungry but not sure what to eat orz
  2. "is lettuce a vegetable" i'm tired ok
  3. The skin on my hands is naturally kinda blotchy
  4. Foster the People - Chin Music for the Unsuspecting Hero
  5. people who say "adult" like "ad-dolt"
  6. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    so I read through the previous pages of the thread and I must say I really like how the conversation's progressed from what it used to be to where it is now It's ok! And thank you btw! c: Yeah it is a little frustrating that majority of the world only sees male and female, hopefully that'll change soon though! I think all the awareness for trans and genderqueer people that is going on currently is really helping even if it's only talked about on a handful of non-LGBTGIA+ centered websites. It's far from being a commonly understood thing but it's a good start at the very least!
  7. ooh yeah you probably shouldn't try the other way haha
  8. I found out there are a lot more international users here than I originally thought !!! My neighbors and I did the weirdest, and really memorable, things down at the end of our cul de sac too! I noticed that the snow mounds have gotten smaller as I've gotten older too. In recent years my hometown hasn't gotten as much snow as it used to it's gotten 10x colder though. 60-70inches annually is still a lot but man... those winters where we got upwards of 90inches were the best. ah... now I really wanna go play in the snow but all the snow where I live has melted
  9. I wish for summer to more or less get here quickly
  10. I can get my thumbs to touch my wrists
  11. people who are gullible and easily angered (I don't mean gullible people in general, I mean the type of people who believe everything they read on the internet)
  12. My algebra teacher's a grad student and one of her classmates who wants to be a teacher came in an observed our class. the guy's only like 23 though and is going for his phd and he's already got like 7 years into it holy crap
  13. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    By "against this" you're referring to gay marriage right? There's varying levels of homophobia. Ranging from finding LGBTQIA+ people disgusting and/or freaks, being against gay marriage, gay and trans panic, wanting to hurt queer people, parents kicking out/abusing their queer children, making rude comments/using slurs, saying LGBTQIA+ stuff is sinful, and the whole "I don't have a problem with it but can you and your same gender partner please refrain from showing any signs of affection in front of my kids" thing. Obviously some are more serious than others but they're all still problems and things we should strive to fix in the future
  14. *googles sharkeisha* she... she just kicked that girl in the face and the sound that first slap/punch made. . . . . I hope you have a good senior year as well as that seems like it turns out to be a lot of people's favorite year of high school! Finishing high school on a high note is also plus c: Yeah going back and forth did get a little hectic at times and doing it for such an extended period was difficult. It admittedly was a nice change of pace at times though. I'm sorry to hear your parents are so unwilling to hear your perspective of things in general. My parents aren't exactly tolerant of my viewpoint either sighs And I also do that venting into a word doc thing except I use an online journaling website and the best part about it is that every once in a while it'll send me an email like "Remember how you felt this day two months ago!" and include an excerpt of whatever I angrily typed out then and just "ah yes, thank you for reminding me this angsty literary masterpiece. You can truly feel all the inner emotional turmoil I had at the time hidden in between the lines of almost constant curse words." Having an actual person to vent to on occasion is nice and leaves you feeling less... heavy (for lack of a better term) compared to just writing it out. It's hard getting to that emotional closeness with someone else though. And I have no idea on that last part. It's nonetheless incredibly frustrating though :/ I'm sure it'll get better with time. I wonder if the generations that came before the ones that are current in power were just as hard on them. maybe we all just get really nasty once we realize we're getting old and will be retiring soon
  15. *insert obligatory line about spotify being too mainstream here* I don't feel like switching/finding equivalents of all my pandora stations over to/on a whole 'nother platform though
  16. they were massive fortunately i've since grown into them i still look as fresh as i did on day 1 tho /shot
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