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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    Yep. It's just another instance of English being weird.
  2. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    I'd like to add that the suffix -phobia also means hatred and along with fear. When you google "define -phobia" the second definition is what applies to homophobia and transphobia
  3. I wore some new clothes for the first time if that counts -- in english class I was falling asleep as per usual (I always get sleepy around 1pm) and I accidentally hit the "emergency" button when trying to unlock my phone and that woke me right up nothing like the fear of almost dialling 911 in the middle of class to jolt one awake hahh h ,, , , ,, ,
  4. When a song you really like comes on pandora right when you have to put your phone away
  5. I haven't run into another FTP fan before! What's your favorite song of their's?
  6. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    fixed, sorry orz I keep forgetting that's a thing here and not just shorthand
  7. Foster the People - A Beginner's Guide to Destroying the Moon
  8. "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
  9. (it's fine I know I can be pretty out there at times haha) But yeah my neighbors and I used to do that all the time! We lived at the end of a cul de sac so we'd each take the mound that was pushed near our house and see who could construct the cooler fort. Building tunnels, flattening out a seat at the highest point so we could observe and stray cars that came out the street to turn around. fun times...
  10. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    First and foremost I found this screencap of a tweet on tumblr and thought it was funny and still somewhat relevant as Akakata and I both fall on the ace spectrum And though the topic's kinda progressed onwards I wanted to link this which is about a transgirl named Jazz. She was only 11 at the time of it being filmed and it's sad how young she was when she learned about all the...just ignorance the general public has regarding transgender people. It's also nice to hear about a family that fully accepts their child and is allowing her to transition so early on! I agree with majority of what you said (and I bolded parts I found particularly important) so I don't have much to add. I would like to add a little to that last part though. It's that LGBTQIA+ people leave their house every day knowing some people hate them (some even want to physically harm them) solely based on their orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression. For LGBTQIA+ teens it's knowing they could be kicked out, disowned, put into conversion therapy, and/or beaten simply for not being straight and/or cis. It's going to school every day and knowing there are undoubtedly kids there who wouldn't hesitant to bully you if you were out of the closet. It's having to be misgendered on a daily basis by your family because they can't fathom the idea of their beautiful daughter or son not being the gender they were assigned with at birth. It's knowing you could lose your job based over something you can't control. It's knowing you and your same gender significant other would not be safe visiting certain countries. It's knowing that in some countries being non het/cis is a crime and can land you in jail or even lead to you being killed. It's knowing just because of what your identity is you might be denied medical treatment. It's also knowing you're at a higher risk for certain mental illnesses including depression. It's living in fear. (main source: page 2 of this) It's not a pleasant thing to talk about but it needs to be discussed openly and frequently. These problems are fortunately going away slowly but surely but it's not an exaggeration to say some LGBTQIA+ people might not be able to hold out that long for things to change. It does get a little tiring to hear it over and over but it's not being reiterated just for the sake of being irritating. (in reference to bold part) I haven't heard of there being trans animals (do animals even have a concept of gender identity...? who even knows) But homosexual behavior (I hate how that sounds but don't know how else to word it) has been seen in numerous species (x) I admittedly don't have much to add to this either and +1 to what Balthazar said
  11. For Marina and the Diamonds' and Florence + the Machine's new albums to come out already
  12. I hate that I have Uptown Funk stuck in my head I hate poachers
  13. I found out my graduation date is sooner than I thought it'd be oooh
  14. I wonder when Togashi will end Hunter x Hunter (due to his age and health I wonder if he'll end it sooner than originally planned or just continue taking his time with it)
  15. Sound Remedy - We Are The Dream (TheFatRat Remix)
  16. ...thank you this sounds more... not complicated but like there's more to it than originally thought
  17. ...this is gonna sound real vegetarian of me but, are hamburgers ever not made with beef? and yogurt
  18. Diamond no Ace Why is the protag so angsty the main problem could literally be solved for the most part if he talked his problems out this is hurting me
  19. I wonder what time I'll pass out at... I wonder how much stuff I'll be able to do between that time and now
  20. if apps count: 2048 if they don't: ys oath in felghana
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