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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. You ever watch the right show at the right time? I watched the first season of Bojack Horseman recently, and I really liked it. The first half of the season is pretty different from the second half, so if you decide to watch it, definitely stick through the first 6 episodes before dropping it. By that time you'll be used to the humor, and the show takes a bit of a more serious turn around there that's worth sticking around for. What I meant by that opening line there though is that even though none of the characters in Bojack Horseman are especially relatable, the sentiments the characters hold at some points can be relatable. There's a few lines throughout the first season that struck a chord with me, and reminded me of some things I should probably be more aware of. Also, BH's humor just sits really well with me since it's pretty dry, and it's been a while since I've watched something with these type of jokes. I'm just glad I finally sat down and started this show when I did. Hopefully the 2nd and 3rd seasons won't be disappointing in comparison to the 1st season... Oh and the opening is gr8 edit: Finished season 2. I don't zone out when watching shows per se, but I definitely don't think about much when watching stuff usually, and now that I'm sitting back and thinking about everything that happened, BH's melancholic tone is really hitting me. It got relatable, and even though what the characters have going on is really exaggerated, it's the sort of thing where they'll say something in the midst of a scene, and that one line will just stick with you. Some of the episodes felt like watching a car crash. You get a vague feeling that something's gonna happen, and then you watch everything play out, and it's always somehow worse than you expected, and even though you're on the sidelines of the entire thing, just experiencing it from there is more unpleasant than you thought it'd be. I like this show a lot, but goddamn does it make you feel awful at times....
  2. ^ :0 I don't believe you've posted more than a handful of times since I joined here last year. It's nice to see that another prominent member still lurks around here! It sounds like the same announcer is featured in both videos haha
  3. "ich bin immun!" gonna have to remember to listen to this song the next time I get a flu shot or something
  4. Technically happened yesterday but w/e I got to briefly visit my sister and see a little bit of Cincinnati. My mom and I split up the driving from Indiana to Ohio over two days, so we stayed at my sister's place overnight. I got my sister into Pokemon Go when she came to visit a few weekends ago, so after having breakfast a little bee themed cafe, we drove around looking for pokestops, and I got to sight see a little bit as we did that. Cincinnati is much nicer than I thought it was..
  5. But it's a video of small, autonomous robots slowly playing soccer with audio of actual sports announcers over it. It's totally worth 2min of your time that you'll never get back :^) here's a shorter video if you can't spare 2min to watch little robots try their best though
  6. Alligatoah - Vor Gericht why is a song about a sleazy guy exploiting the legal system with petty lawsuits so catchy
  7. And with this, I reclaim the spot of last poster
  8. Welcome to DCW! I hope you'll enjoy your time here
  9. I'm still working through the stuff I picked up over the spring but that's not important The summer anime season has finally started I'm not watching a ton of stuff, but the four series I was looking forward to the most are all started off on the right foot fortunately!
  10. Damn... You can be the ruler of the subforum, but I won't let you take the title of last poster in this thread so easily!
  11. machine

    Your latest Buys

    Assassin's Creed Black Flag.... it was on sale for $10, and I had $12 left over in the wallet of my psn account, so I bought it, and now my video game backlog just got 50+ hours longer..... It's fun though, and incredibly pretty, but I hate the controls. The gameplay's fine, but I dislike how combat works, how jumps feel, and how there's no crouch button. The menu interface also bugs me, but that's far less bothersome in comparison.
  12. Ok... But what if I just like, hypothetically speaking of course, took that title away from you by posting here? In theory, that outcome is totally possible and oh wait....
  13. Unlike English where "-s", "-es", and "-ies" on the end of a word can often correctly indicate whether or not a word is plural, this isn't the case in German, and sometimes the only difference between the plural and singular form of a word is an umlaut over one of the vowels.
  14. I identify my past 4 (soon-to-be 5) summers by what music I was into at the time 2012 - kpop; 2013 - Awolnation, Bastille, Mika; 2014 - Caravan Palace, EDM, Foster the People; 2015 - Gorillaz, Mystery Skulls, Passion Pit; 2016 is so far just Alligatoah
  15. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    I missed Pride month--hooray! I started this at the beginning of the month around June 3rd or so, and due to my self-imposed lack of time, I won't be changing the tense the first part was written in since it doesn't affect the overall point. I'll apologize in advance for what will probably be a double post, since I want to post something about the shooting in Orlando in a day or two. I'd tack it onto this one, but because the tone will be so different from the rest of this, it'd be better suited for its own post. It's LGBT+ Pride Month! Again this year Google has a neat little rainbow banner that pops up whenever you search "lgbt", "gay", "lesbian", "bisexual", "transgender", "asexual", "pansexual", and/or "queer" (There's probably more, but those are the only ones I looked up) President Obama proclaimed June as LGBT+ Pride Month this year too. Similarly, Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, raised an rainbow flag on Parliament Hill on the first. Even though gay marriage was legalized in Canada in 2005, this was the first time the LGBT flag had been flown there. Canada's also in the process of trying to extend legal protections to transgender citizens, so this gesture is nicely timed in that sense too. On a related note, The Sims 4 recently got an update that changed some things regarding gender. I don't have The Sims, so this is from what I could gather from a video I watched that briefly went over the update, but body types were changed to masculine and feminine I believe. Sims can now wear any of the clothing and/or hairstyle options in the game and have any voice regardless of whether they have a masculine or feminine body type. When you switch between the two, a little menu pops up so you can be more specific, I think there's three or four questions, but I know of them were "Can this sim get pregnant?" and "Can your sim use the bathroom standing up?" Not only is this a neat feature for transgender and nonbinary Sims players who want to make characters they can relate to, it's convenient for people who might not follow gender stereotypes closely or just so happen to really like one of the clothing options that was previously only available for Sims of a certain gender too. In a similar vein, Tinder is going to be more trans-friendly soon. Not much as been said about what changes will be made exactly, but striving to provide a more pleasant experience for transgender Tinder users who may have already have a negative experience through the app is certainly a good move on Tinder's part. To end the month on a positive note, the Pentagon announced today that the US military would be lifting its ban on transgender service members. The estimated number of transgender people already serving in the armed forces varies between 2,500 - 15,500, so this ban being lifted will immediately affect thousands of service members! Transgender service members will no longer have to stay in the closet about their gender identities out of fear that they could be discharged. "By October, the Department of Defense will craft and distribute a commanders' training handbook, medical protocol and guidance for changing a service member's gender in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment System. That is also the deadline that all the services will be required to provide medically appropriate care and treatment to transgender service members, according to Department of Defense protocols. Current members of the armed forces with a diagnosis from a military physician that gender transition is medically needed will receive that care. However, DoD "policy will require an individual to have completed any medical treatment that their doctor has determined is necessary in connection with their gender transition, and to have been stable in their preferred gender for 18 months, as certified by their doctor, before they can enter the military," according to the Pentagon." (source) It will take about a year for this to go into complete effect everywhere, but this a huge step in the right direction. Also, clerics in Pakistan recently released a religious decree saying that transgender people can get married under Islamic law. This appears to only apply to transgender individuals who have undergone full transitions and don't have "visible signs of both genders". To be honest, I find this really interesting! It's not only a step in the right direction, but this news is coming from a country in/near the Middle East, a region infamous for many things, including it's overwhelmingly negative view of LGBT+ individuals. Though it's not necessarily likely to happen, it'll be interesting to see if/what strides are made over in terms of LGBT+ acceptance in normalization in the coming years. Obviously this doesn't mean public opinion of transgender people in Pakistan has miraculously changed, and transgender people Pakistanis will no longer face any struggles, but a bunch of small strides like this are what could help get the ball rolling over there. Are the younger Catholics (younger as in under 30 or so) over there more accepting of the idea of same sex marriage? Most of my schooling was through Catholic schools, and most of my classmates and young teachers supported it in a legal sense, but, understandably so, not all of them were keen on the idea of gay couples getting married through the Church. Generally speaking, is there a similar mindset there, or do most seem content with gay marriage not being legalized since the issue of where religious rights start/end, and LGBT+ rights start/end is an issue the public doesn't want to address right now? Sounds like we'll just have to wait and see then. If he doesn't ultimately end up pushing for it, hopefully he'll at least bring it up once or twice, so we can see how the citizens and politicians react to the idea of it being legalized. I'm surprised to hear the discrimination sounds fairly commonplace over there. If/When the anti-discrimination laws start getting enforced, I wonder how much backlash there might be.
  16. Alligatoah - Musik ist keine Lösung translated lyrics if anyone's curious bc damn son this song was more serious than I thought it'd be. I think the one line towards the end has an error in it, but it wouldn't change the meaning too much...
  17. That's true. Ad's that automatically play with full sound and everything are by far the worst.
  18. TIL that the letter "r" in German is unnecessarily complicated. Trilling's also apparently a thing in German.
  19. Videos that only have on/off audio buttons, and no adjustable volume I'm looking at you Instagram, Tumblr, and Vine
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