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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by machine

  1. video games with high replay value
  2. I used to dance. I did ballet mostly; I even got up en pointe but... oh god did that hurt. (breaking in new pointe shoes is not fun. I used to think breaking in new ice skates hurt but oh man,, , ,,) My middle toes would go numb so I could never go fully up on my toes and was always dancing on the edge of toe box and bottom of the slipper. Doing turns and jumps en pointe was really fun though since the fabric for pointe shoes was different than regular ballet slippers. And the constant fear of not wanting to break your ankles works wonders for your technique so my class improved a lot after going up en pointe (after we got used to it of course). then my hips got inflamed somehow and I had to stop typing efficiently on a physical keyboard and on a tablet/phone are two very different feats imo...
  3. I gave myself anxiety if that counts I practiced my German, watched a compilation of Japanese teenagers's vines, and I watched the news as I always do.
  4. machine

    LGBTQA+ Community

    I hate to start off on such a tragic note but this is very, very oh so incredibly important. Unfortunately another transgender teen, Zander, has committed suicide. I found out about this recently myself so I don't know too much information but I found this screencap of a facebook post about it along with a memorial blog for him and his personal blog. And to help raise awareness about teenage trans suicide #HisNameWasZander is being used on social media. Screencap from facebook Memorial blog Zander's blog (just as a head's up his suicide note is the second post and it's very hard to read in full and some may want to avoid seeing that) RIP Zander, Leelah and to all the other unnamed trans lives that succumbed to their toxic environments in the time between these two's passing that went unnoticed. Now that that's been said, same sex marriage becoming legal in more states is always exciting! Little steps towards equality always save my faith in humanity just a little bit. Seeing all the pictures of gay couples getting married following same sex marriage getting legalized is always really cute too. Especially with the older couples because you can tell just by how bright their expressions are that they've been waiting for that moment for an unnecessarily long time. As for the aromantics and asexuals on valentines day; I hang out in the aro/ace community a bit and it seems like the majority isn't upset about valentine's day. A lot of the day seemed to be cake jokes and talking about what would be better than going out to crowded places on a weekend all because some commercial holiday is really hyped up. And some aro/ace valentines had been circling around tumblr so we could feel included in the whole thing too which was nice. My personal favorites were these ones: If I may add, awareness for other gender identities here aside from just male/female would be nice. Gender, like sexuality, is a spectrum and a good amount of people seem to fall in the in between the two extremes. (gender's also fluid like sexuality and can change with time) To name a few some nonbinary gender identities are: Agender - someone having no gender/gender neutral Androgyne - someone having masculine and feminine traits and identifies as a mix of male/female Bigender - someone simultaneously having two genders Gender fluid - switching between two or more genders Demi-boy/Demi-girl - usually means they feel agender and male or agender and female EDIT: I remembered a few more commonly used gender identities and wanted to add them as well! Neutrois - similar to agender, pretty much a synonym for it Genderqueer - usually refers to someone still figuring out their gender identity and at the very least knows they're nonbinary though it's also an umbrella term for non-cis* people Trigender - someone simultaneously having three genders Genderflux - similar to gender fluid, almost a synonym but seems to be used when the switch between genders is more intense than gender fluid (*Cis is short for cisgender. If you are cisgendered, you identify with the gender you're born with based on your sex.) There's also a couple more but those are the main ones I see used around other websites. This topic's pretty important to me because I'm not straight (nor cis though I won't get into that.) and while I was really thrilled to realize there was a term for my lack of interest and desire for a romantic and/or sexual relationship and that I wasn't just weird because I could never contribute to conversations when my friends talked about their crushes, it left a bad taste in my mouth for a while. I felt like I was on the outside looking in because I just can't relate to how highly romantic/sexual relationships are viewed. Hell, the one time I said marriage wasn't my thing to my one parent I was told that because of that I'd never be happy in life (...thanks). The ace community has also helped me out quite a bit. Though they're almost a little too nice at times, it's a very nice place to fall back on and turn to for help when needed and the fact that I had trouble finding a forum specifically for other orientations makes me all the more thankful for it. I digress, it's just very exciting to think about how by the time our generation is the in control of things it'll be so much more accepting of other sexual orientations and gender identities. So uh... yeah,, , , ,
  5. I know people my age with kids and I know people 10 years older/within 10 years of me that have children and some people don't even know their pregnant until a couple weeks or within an hour of giving birth and-- nope
  6. Magical boy anime with the really long title it VERY SUBTLY mentioned DC in the newest episode actually
  7. *quietly revives another thread* This is what mine looks like. I really like oofuri ok
  8. 10 years later I hopefully won't have children
  9. My ring fingers are longer than my index fingers Ah I see, that makes sense.
  10. I wish for a snow day thursday
  11. a belgian waffle with powered sugar and butter mmmmmmm
  12. People who talk unnecessarily loud
  13. My sense of smell and taste are stronger than average
  14. blinded by the moonlight the amplifetes
  15. I find aquariums slightly terrifying because every time I'm in one I just keep thinking about what would happen if all the glass shattered
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