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Detective Conan World

Ayuna Yume

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Everything posted by Ayuna Yume

  1. #63. You know you're a detective Conan fan when the DC characters randomly popped into your brain for no apparent reason...
  2. I used to watch TV like kehrazee, but now, I'd prefer surfing internet like kehrazee, Is an introvert?
  3. I used to watch TV like kehrazee, but now, I'd prefer surfing internet like kehrazee, Is an introvert?
  4. And can't get out, you mean? Then, be glad that I'm not claustrophobic and hope that I'm gonna get rescued... What would you do if you're trapped inside a world alone and you have the whole world to yourself, literally?
  5. I doubt I can even see the money after I receive it, my parents are obviously gonna take full charge of it, I'll probably ask/demand them to put it in my account and buy me some awesome new gadgets with a little portion of the money, and probably donate another little portion of it... What would you do if you had one wish and can't ask for more wishes?
  6. Depends on 3 things 1) circumstance 2) the manga's level of excitement; 3) your eyes' and brain's stamina XD Is it possible for me to stop messing around on my exam weeks?
  7. Never tried it, but I love singing in general, though my voice is not so good haha Is a highly intelligent guy?
  8. Kick on his legs because he's too sweet XD
  9. Dodges and run for my life If I escaped from the monster, Throws Doraemon
  10. I see a typo in your sentence, sir. Since it should be the place where I'm winning
  11. Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not Alice. I am indeed from the Wonderland and I do not wish to introduce my true self. However, I can assure you that I am not Alice, Alice! Coz you AnimeOtakuDrew-san, is the real Alice! Admit it!
  12. Because they have a really cool profile pic and an awesome display name to go with it
  13. The word that I have no knowledge of it's meaning... Ceramic
  14. *snatch it back* Where were we again?
  15. The opposite, I absolutely love them, but had to eat eastern foods instead... Don't really care about keychains?
  16. #61. You know you're a Detective Conan fan when you're still watching the anime even though you are having your exams the next day
  17. ...The responsible" "With all these distracting emotions,..."
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