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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Noir

  1. I ban you for making weird abbreviations.
  2. Noir

    This or That

    Seriously. ysosrs? ysosrs or y so srs?
  3. Noir

    corrupted wish

    Granted but they'd forget it the second later. I wish there were more and more and more emoticons so everyone would take an hour of them to choose emoticon is the best.
  4. Noir

    basic details

    I would want to tell you the whole story - someone else will, soon - though it's kind of too long. I could only suggest you to go to the Detective Conan World Wiki and read the first few paragraphs.
  5. Thanks. Oh, and you live in Cebu? I'm kind of excited in some way... I wonder why. >
  6. Noir

    corrupted wish

    Wish granted but in 3 mins, you die because we don't know what it is. I wish I could stop forum-ing now. @.@
  7. Noir

    This or That

    WTF because WTH is too soft. OMFGNOWAI or OMFGNOWAY.
  8. Someone who thinks I think that you cannot think that I cannot eat.
  9. You have many heads. You will have more mouths to eat your favorite food, pie. Devil + Pie or Pie + Devil? Which goes first? >
  10. Can you tell me what those things mean?
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