Hello everyone,
I noticed a mistake in the plot icons in the wiki. Episode 312 only has the 'new character' icon, however, when I played the episode there were main events such as Haibara's history, parents backgrounds, chats about Piso, chats about the previous organization case, and information about the drug. Usually, if such things are happening in an episode I would see the black organization icon or at least the green arrow (character development) icon. I think there should be any indication that this is an important episode to the main plot.
I watched all Conan episodes long ago, but I am currently helping someone watch the main episodes only and was depending on your amazing wiki to do so. I kept following the green arrow, FBI, black organization, or heart icons. However, I was shocked that episode 312 did not have any icon and that's what brought my attention to it. Hope someone fixes this! I am sure so many other people are depending on those icons too
Thank you greatly!