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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by caseclosedfreak

  1. Hey. Who do you think is Bourbon? Sera, Tooru or Okiya? Hmm. Mind boggling. I wanna know who is Bourbon badly. Shere me your opinions :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      Suzuki Ayako is bourbon and also disguised as scar akai. Thats why she is never around anymore

    3. palalobo
    4. gmjp


      Okiya, definitely.he's so creepy.his eyes are always closed. Ai, senses a member of the organization around him.

  2. When will the Manga File 802 of DC come out? I'm freaking excited! ;)

  3. Si. My Blockmates at college will have a Tout at our University. And I can't go. T.T huhuhuhu

  4. Hello new friend!! :) How are ya?

  5. Sure. Yar welcome.

  6. Oh..... do you have a tumblr or twitter account ;)

  7. You're welcome. Yes I am :) How about you?

  8. Oh :) Hahaha. It's fun at tumblr ;)I followed you

  9. Oh, okay. Thanks!! Take care :)

  10. Oh. Then what's your tumblr account? I'll follow you :)

  11. Thank you. keep in touch :) Do you have twitter acount?

  12. Oh.... well, Nice to meet ya!! Keep in touch. Do you have a twitter account?

  13. Yomikkaann.tumblr.com :))

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