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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kaitou1412

  1. * Watch Miyazaki's movies (<3) or Detective Conan * Check email * Go on facebook * Play the piano * Practice Cello * Listen to music/go on YouTube * Clean my room...
  2. I'm a beginner at Chinese.. x'D But what kind of clip is it? :)

  3. Is Monsipogi Shuuichi?? O_____O
  4. OMG SID!!! Buono!!! AKB48!!!~ Me like >: D <3
  5. .....are we all dangerous people?? T^T;; But yea I understand what you mean.. Lol I live all the way in Sweden- bet no one from DCW lives here! x'D
  6. "ruthless taiwanese... making fun of dc just to make a show..."

    <-- What happened? D:

  7. Hahaha best newbie page ever xD And welcome Sandii to DCWorld! : D
  8. Monsipogi = Shuuichi Akai? O_O;
  9. Aah!! Sorry!! I didn't know that was a question >_< working as a missionary in a place where there is no signal at all... (Let's hope he's not dead! D:) Sun or Snow? : P
  10. (O_O; // x'D) ...heading to the...
  11. Aaah I see :3 A "reading member" of dctp ;D
  12. A witch? x'DDD hahaha Shoe >: D (Shuu kekeke )
  13. (As in like, if you decide that you will eat for 15 min, shower for 10 min, study for an hour and watch detective conan [lol] for 30 min, then you follow it!) btw, don't forget that this is the "describe the person below you" game xDD Someone who likes brief phone conversations!! (random: there's a phone beside me so...)
  14. Hahahaha I just started studying Chinese that's why x'D Someone who is very good at keeping time!!
  15. OMG what happened??!!!!!!! O_O;;;;;;;;;;
  16. Hahahahaha indeed! xD I still have 3 months to go.... T_T;

  17. But since when does Akai and Conan come to speaking terms? O_O;
  18. Just curious where everyone was living at the moment! Would a kind of D.C get-together be possible? : P
  19. I've always wanted to become a Detective! : D But that was also way before I first saw Detective Conan.. I saw in movies and stuff and that sort of "inspired" me I guess! Detective Conan definitely had a greater impact though.. By then, I was almost desperate x'D. But I never "bumped into" any cases as Shinichi and Kogoro (omg that Shinigami x'D or would that be Conan's fault? O_O;) did and whenever I met up with a scene with officers, I would ask what happened but they would always say, "nothing!" or "Don't worry it's nothing serious". Apparently they're trained to say so... Now I sort of gave up because I realized that I was horrible when it came to dark rooms, dead bodies and blood (not as "clean" as Detective Conan in real life.. T_T;)
  20. 136 Then I will be seeing you very soon, Miss FBI >:3
  21. Hahaha xD With Kazuha and Ran, I think it would be a draw, and with Shiho and Ran... hmmmm... I think Shiho would use her intellects rather than fists so mentally, Shiho would win and then Ran would win physically! So I guess Ran would win in the end.. But no! She would also lose since Shiho's "mental powers" would've affected Ran's thoughts greatly! Or something like that... Overall, KAZUHA vs RAN --> DRAW. RAN vs SHIHO ---> SHIHO. : D
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