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Everything posted by Kaitou1412

  1. Indeed it did 8D ahahaha xD

  2. haha i see xD Neku-kun, the Nyaa-er. You should totally consider changing your username to Neku-kun xD or Neko-kun.. :D

  3. oh but hey thats so true! if you scramble views, it becomes wives.. wow. that's interesting.. and cool 8D Spectra that was genius!! :DD

  4. right (cuz it's right). saturn or jupiter?
  5. haha sorry about that i just posted what i was.. (sc)rambling..;;

    isnt it because you like cats? xD

  6. Neku-kun is cute :D (Awesome, Misaki! ;D) I'll call you that from now on :DD

  7. whoa, when did i get that many wives x'DD ;;

  8. ...what if there's someone i know on this website you know? and they don't tell me that they're around and talk to me as if he/she is a stranger, etc. etc. etc. D: i doubt that they'd know this website to begin with.. but still D':

    ...damn. maybe i shouldn't have used Ryuka.

    ... but it doesn't matter =_= xD

  9. but you know. the reason why i used the nickname was because when i first made my DCW account, i made a promise with myself that i wouldn't reveal too much about me (internet).. im not being successful at all these days because i'm really bad at hiding stuff so i was thinking that maybe i should've made a brand new name entirely at the start >_> i mean...

  10. aw so sweet x'D thanks :D well.. i don't know i just never did.. but it's fine now ^^ do you have a nickname? :)

  11. vodka. but it depends. if you meant the DC characters then gin (FTW) 8D curly hair or straight hair?
  12. ooh~ :o I see! Haha close! I live in Sweden :D

  13. Ryuka is short for my name thus making it my nickname.. x'D I never really liked it but it grew into me, if you know what I mean...

  14. No not yet, but soon :D

    It's also 2am here so I guessed xD Are you in Sweden? Paris? Uh.. where else.. =_=;

  15. good one! I hate it when people keep reminding me of that stupid song...
  16. People who like their own status/comments/whatever on facebook..;
  17. Oh I see o_o where do you live? :D Europe, or? ^^

  18. im not doing much at the moment either.. how are you btw? :D

  19. Haha thanks :D what are you doing? :)

  20. Spectra just told me to call you Kid xDD Should I call you that or do you have another nickname that you prefer? :) You can call me Ryuka if you want, if Kaitou1412 is complicated as well.. haha :P

  21. Ok how about this.. while we wait for Moho's next letter, those who know Korean (Moho, Yohan (Anti).. anyone else?) can teach the beginners phrases! : D like... 1. 안녕하세요 = An-nyeong-ha-sae-yo = Hello (polite form) 2. 안녕 = An-nyeong = Hello (friendly form)* *Note how, in Korean, there's a "Very Polite Form", "Polite Form" and "Friendly Form". 3. 제 이름은 ... 입니다. = Jae-Yi-Reum**-Eun ... Ip-ni-da. = My name is ... (Very polite/polite form) **How to pronounce "Reum": Say Rmmmm. like Hmmm but with an R.. : D 4. 내 이름은 ...(이)***야. = Nae-Yi-Reum-Eun ... Yi-ya = My name is ... (Friendly form) 6. 나는 ...(이)야 = Na-neun ... Yi-ya = I am ... (Friendly form) ***the "이" (yi) in front of the "야" (ya) is actually quite complicated. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not and it usually has to do with the sound but there's a pattern behind it too. If the word in front of "ya" is a vowel, then there is no "yi" but if it's a consonant then there is a "yi". (guys, correct me if I'm wrong! D:) EXAMPLE: An-nyeong! Nae yi-reum-eun Ryuka ya. An-nyeong! Nae yi-reum-eun Kid yi-ya. For Wildflower, it's: "Nae yi-reum-eun Wildflower ya" even with the "r" because there really isn't an "r" sound in Korean... So Wildflower, you'd basically be "Wa-il-du-peul-la-wo" so you're name would actually be ending with a vowel, not a consonant (if you know what I mean) XDD ... I think I'm confusing people. But just learning how to say hi and introducing yourself is a big step : D
  22. Hello Kid the Phantom Thief! xD How are you :D

  23. Liar... it's not just awesome, it's your life! :'D This site is green.
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