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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by KudoShinichi

  1. lmaoo shouldnt you be having lunch ?

    you live in NJ right ? LOL

  2. I'm fine ~ I'm pretty bored xDD

  3. No matter what you've been through, somewhere out there, the person who truly cares, is waiting to make it better. <3 goodnight ``

    1. CoolKid94


      I hope that's true. It's only half true for me, as I don't have a girlfriend. Oh well.

  4. happy birthday yo !:]

  5. 恩 你呢? 哦..我是用拼音:] google has it's uses here taking class is tiring right 你真用功 :grin:
  6. LOLOL you're a K-pop fan ? Yo I'm KudoShinichi Of DSW :'> ..10+ years ? How old are you !? <-- nvm I didn't see college student :3
  7. 看得懂!你怎麼找到這個網站啊? 你的英文滿棒的,因為你是大陸人!
  8. it's not really cool. xD you can just take classes :3

    awwwww talk to you later ^^

    sweet dreams `

  9. :3 when do you sleep ?

  10. I was born in the US, so I know English (main) and I took chinese and japanese classes I can read and write english and chinese, speak jap : x I know a little vietnamese it's terribly hard to pronounce :[
  11. I think there should be a 'like' for status updates.

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      why not reply +1, seems to work. Hell google used the +1 to signify like in G+ (they listened to the internet)

    2. KudoShinichi


      YEAA like fb! Like how you stalk people and like all their things lmao =]

    3. Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief
    4. Show next comments  48 more
  12. Nothing muchhh just surfing DCW . how about you ? :D

  13. As the topic stated Mine starts on August 31. I wish summer was longer :[
  14. The Kane Chronicles : The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan ; this book is really good tbh Hot words for the SAT (uh..nothing to say about this)
  15. WELCOME TO DCW ! Have a great time here :$

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