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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by KudoShinichi

  1. Uh.......

    Give me an example XD

  2. I see :P

    You've lived in three places? ~

  3. Do you like it there or in NJ ~

  4. xDD

    you lived there before? (:

  5. Same :[

    Uhh I watch a lot of types.. XD..

  6. oops late reply :X

    LOOL.. east coast...

    i think they're okay ^_^

  7. I know how that feels LOLOL

    I'm like ..................

    They always put us in embarrassing situations ><

  8. of course! XD

    Yeah.. just go along and hug :D...

    But sometimes when the hugs are too long do you feel embarassed XD.

  9. Seriously O___O

    Yup, Anime is awesome to cure your boredom (:

  10. hahah yeah

    they're like

    (name here)! I MISSED YOU xD

    and hugs and stuff T__T

  11. i seeee, well good luck x]

    what type of animes do you like? :D..

  12. XD XD I see.

    what do you want to be when you grow up? ^_^

  13. lolol i guess it's pretty common XD.

    school's fun and awesome :D

    how about you ? :P

  14. Wow. Manga artist XD

    thats a challenging job :3

  15. LOLOL

    thats fun :D

    ..So what did you choose XD

  16. What's the project about? :D

  17. Nopee...

    I dont have food allergies X)

    I had eczema when I was a kid xD.

  18. ^^ It was awesome right :3

    But then once the second day started, homework came -__-

  19. hahah it has something to do with your immune system X]

    Veggies are good :D..

  20. lool

    our first day was hwless :D

    Only signing slips hahah

  21. ..That really sucks D:

    do you know what caused it :3

  22. yeah i'm doing hw too T^T

    yup :D. all that too (:

  23. that sucks... D:

    wait, then how do you like cakes XD

  24. that's nice :D....

    what did you do today (:

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