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Chekhov MacGuffin

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Everything posted by Chekhov MacGuffin

  1. The supposed movie "Silver Bullet of Truth" is a FAKE. It was a rumor started several years ago when M13 came out.

    1. User 4869

      User 4869

      An awkward moment when one mundane fact take priority of elaborate theories. How many time you can hear this rumor?. Do a drinking game!

    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      and i was looking forward to it

  2. Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that this conversation was entirely made up by the anime makers to cover up plot holes they created. It never happened in the manga. Manga Hattori never knew anything about the Black Org until Conan told him. The good news is you have two Black Organization cases starring Gin and Vodka to read that you didn't know existed! The first is the true Billion Yen robbery case! The second is the True Shinkansen bombing case! (With no added Detective Boys.)
  3. So here it what I have so far starting with the red woman 15 years ago. Kansuke and Koumei found out by questioning a policeman that he made an error in the case reports. The red woman threw the knife at him in the woods. He continued chasing her, she disappeared, but when he went back for the knife it wasn't there anymore. 3 years later, it was found in very good, non-rusted condition, next to the pond Satoko drowned in with the skeleton of the person who fell in around the time of the red woman attack. Before she drowned Satoko had earlier claimed to have seen the red woman. She was wearing a beige outfit at that time. When her body was found, she was wearing a red coat, and her shoes were nearby. That leads to one reasonable conclusion: Satoko had the knife from three years ago (she took it which explains why it was not rusted out), pretended to see the red woman, dressed up in red, and took off her shoes. She was obviously pretending to play a prank on someone. It must have backfired on her. In the first chapter of this case, when Ran described the Red woman that she saw, Hakuya thought it was Satoko. That means he was likely the intended victim of Satoko's prank and accidentally killed her, perhaps by knocking her into the bog or throwing something at her so she lost footing like Conan did. Someone figured out Hakuya killed Satoko, which explains why he became the recent victim. However since Hakuya only just revealed himself, the murder could not have been premeditated. The tomato trick was planned though, like the other pranks that had happened earlier. Since the murderer used the tomato trick as part of the murder, I assumed they also planned the tomato prank. The motive should be either continuing Satoko's pranks, or they were hoping to get someone to confess something. Based on the fact the murder was not premeditated, it was almost certainly committed by one of the two in the house. That person would need confront the victim to verify the story about Satoko first before committing the murder. Based on the layout - access to the bathroom where Hakuya works from her cleaning area - Sumiko is the most suspicious. She probably pre-prepared her cleaning chore so she could have extra time to set up the tomato trick. (Maybe she came to the villa in advance or started early.) Everyone has the same chores every year so it's easy to know what they will be asked to do. Sumiko turns on the fan so it is loud and sets it to swivel near a wall. She tapes the bat to the fan so that it bonks periodically and sounds like a vaccuum session in progress. The trick with the tub has a few possibilities. The water is pretty opaque and there are side areas in the tub you could corral the tomatoes in. If the water is really opaque and not well mixed the culprit could just pour the salt on the bottom. If it is not well mixed, it will create a layer of salt water with a thick layer of fresh on top. The tomatoes won't rise until the salt becomes better mixed throughout the bath. Sumiko was later attacked by someone who looks like the red woman. The real red woman is apparently dead: the skeleton was 3 years old, matching the time of the original attacks by The Red Woman Takeno Komayo. The skeleton also genetically matched to a piece of saved umbilical cord that Takeno's mother had. The red woman who attacked Sumiko may not have been a random murder, or revenge for Hakuya, but instead was one of the housemates trying to remove suspicion from Sumiko by making it appear there is an outsider doing the attacks. Maybe there was something one of the housemates saw that made that person realize that Sumiko was responsible for the tomatoes and thus the murder. Attacking her and giving her a superficial injury would make her seem less suspicious and redirect police attention to outside culprits. Who is the current red lady? Why was Hakuya in the bog? Changing clothes? Pretending to be the red lady? Looking to recover evidence like the wig Satoko should have been wearing? And who's the skeleton? Are we sure it's the dead Red Lady?
  4. I estimate about Files 419 to 465 are the 2005 chapters. I don't have a list of the release dates unfortunately, so that is a guess.
  5. The tomatoes were made to float using bath salt which increases the density of the water. Similar techniques are used in fruit factories which convey fruit in water so they aren't bruised: http://postharvest.tfrec.wsu.edu/pages/J4I1D Also Oldbag
  6. Image:vlcsnap-2013-09-17-00h51m15s209.png|I am the text that appears below the image. Don't forget the vertical bar you get using shift-backslash.
  7. Before you try to update profile images, I highly suggest you read this still-in-progress manual of profile images I am still putting together: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Detective_Conan_Wiki:Manual_of_Style/Profile_pictures It's basically a guide on how to pick good profile images that won't be reverted the same day you upload them. The different looks sections are meant to be similar to previous ones - so that the faces are about the same angle and easily comparable. If you want to change the angle, I suggest you change both the old and the new images. Look at Shiho's similar looks for instance. Hakuba: Proposed #1 Great pose, face angled well, shot backed up so you can see most of his hair, looking at camera, anime art style doesn't suck. The expression could be more neutral, but it's good enough. However, it is too dark, so it won't work. #2 Hakuba is way too small in the image, it won't show up well, also the anime art style is not the cream of the crop. #3 The lighting is better than one, but Hakuba is at an odd angle and looking well away from forward. Kaito Kid: (I don't like the current Kid profile picture in the Wiki, it has problems too. If only we had something like this but anime...) Proposed #1 Odd lighting, would be nice to see more of his outfit #2 Not centered in frame, angle weird, deep shadow on face, anime art style isn't as good as the other ones #3 Not angled like the previous before and after pictures, also going to be way too small. Kuroba Kaito (Also needs to be changed) Current Proposed #1 Odd angle, too close, strange expression #2 Good lighting, good expression for his character, close up, but not too close, good lighting, looking forward, good anime art style. UPLOAD THIS ONE. #3 Weird expression that distorts his appearence Conan and Kaito Images Current Proposed #1 The primary relationship between Conan and Kaitou Kid is their rivalry. The later movies have diverged from the manga and anime canon somewhat in regards to the two of them. The best image for those two together would be something showing them squaring off/fighting/smirking at each other or anything of that nature. Sitting around and talking doesn't quite capture their usual battle of thief and detective dynamic. That said this image has a home on the movie 14 page. #2: This gag image... Well it connotes things that really don't quite reflect the rivalry between Kid and Conan that defines their relationship - if you get what I mean. I'd upload it, but stick it on the movie 14 page since it is both well known, but better suited for another purpose. If you are interested, we have a page on the relationship between Conan Edogawa and Kaito Kuroba. There is a lot of material between Conan and Kaito to write about. In the manga and anime they started out as enemies but have since evolved into rivals who exchange favors (and sometimes mess with each other) and even secrets about their past (Phantom Lady, etc). Also the movie canon has created a very different dynamic between the two; movie Conan and movie Kid are almost as close as Conan and Hattori are.
  8. Detective Conan hasn't ended yet, but Shinichi probably will have a showdown with the boss and return to normal.
  9. Movie 17 will hit DVD stands in October. The non-existent "movie" Silver Bullet of Truth is a rumor that started back around when Movie 13 came out. It isn't real and will never happen.
  10. I was going to take a pass on this case because it seems boring. I just have to make an annoying list of when things occurred relative to each other to figure out when things really happened. Does anyone want me to attempt a solution?
  11. If you necro your own intro thread, I think that would work.
  12. Farewell sections are usually drama-fests. I'm not saying you would do any of this, but in my experience some people use them to extort attention and sympathy by pretending to leave because they are lonely/left-out/bored, others just want to rant/passive-aggressively complain about something they don't like. If you are leaving for a while, post an announcement in your profile or a comment. And like Mohorovicic said, lots of people who left for a while peek back in every now and then. Declaring a permanent farewell might convince somebody who might want to come back not to, or to create a alt account. The whole idea of a farewell section seems silly; would you tell your high school friends and teachers you probably won't see again a farewell forever speech?? That's a silly thing to say. That's sort of like saying you'd kill yourself first because you don't want to live through seeing your friends die. (Obviously that's an extreme example, but I'm making a point.) If some of your friends are becoming rarer to see, make some new ones. You don't have to follow them out the door if you still like Detective Conan.
  13. Different people with different levels of English write the descriptions - whoever wants to contribute can. Feel free to fix all the errors you can see. As long as you follow the manual of style and try to get along with everyone, you can edit whatever you want, which includes fixing other people's edits. I just removed the spoiler about the jewel in the ice.
  14. Well first things first, Takagi thinks Sato missed her period and thus is pregnant. This being Sato, obviously she is talking about something else missing, maybe the ring Takagi gave her in an earlier file? (It's missing from her left hand. Maybe the size was too big for her?) Also this pretty much confirms Sato and Takagi have made it to home base, because Takagi is sure the kid is his. If he hadn't gone that far with her, he would have reacted like WHO TOOK SATO FROM ME AND KNOCKED HER UP? The hanakotoba for false dragonhead flowers is fulfillment of desire, achievement. It seems that Toshinari's sister probably died after panicking about her stalker, that dead guy next door. Mr. Creeper almost certainly took those pictures where she isn't looking at the camera. To hide that Mr. Creeper stalked his sister (and thus the motive for murdering the guy), Toshinari took the creepshots and replaced them with the dead man's own pictures of himself, but didn't align them perfectly to the sun-faded borders. The creepshots were put in Toshinari's album; they are the pictures with the holes that used to be pinned to the board. Toshinari's MO was to probably stalk the stalker, and move into the apartment to get a shot at revenge. He's rich enough to get an apartment like that, but he obviously hasn't lived in it much since it's so barren and full of instant food and missing basic necessities like cleaning supplies. Ten bets the kid is going to be his alibi. I bet Toshinari put the fulfillment of desire flowers by where his sister died after successfully killing the stalker (he's been dead for a while if he is stinking).
  15. Go for it! The only interviews we have from a super digest book is this, which is certainly less than 88 questions. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/530-detective-conan-super-digest-book/?p=15277
  16. Yes, on the wiki. The Black Org has a chapter list, every character has a chapter list (the plot ones have detailed descriptions), and the anime page for every season (just look for manga based episodes) has symbols explaining what type of progression happens in every episode, be it plot, major character introduction, romance, etc.
  17. They might have cut this line in the anime but the train was stopped and everyone got off so the police could question them. I don't think Subaru would have been allowed to stay on board.
  18. Posting non-spoiler case deductions here. The first suspect Tsuyuguchi Furuyo freaking out over the light is suspicious. It was an over-reaction. A LP is about the same size and shape as the guy's fluorescent lights. She could have hidden LPs that she desired in a box or by the box of spare lightbulbs (stored in the bathroom?). (Or crazy solution she hid them above or in the ceiling light?) She freaks out at Mitsuhiko because if the light burns out then someone retrieving a spare would find the LPs she hid. I suppose she wouldn’t want to outright take the LPs because if someone investigated the suicide and noticed they were missing, she would be the first suspect because of her hobby and appointment that day. Maybe she thought she could retrieve them later? Also listening to records with headphones is a bit unusual. How Furuyo gets along with cats is unclear. She basically shoos away Taii, which is pretty reasonable for someone who has been around cats but doesn’t want to be bothered. If she was lying about the chain of events, then Masuko dealt with Mari at the door and afterwards Furuyo attacked Masuko. Furuyo then would have taken advantage of Rinpei’s arrival to create another suspect. The second suspect Asao Mari carries Taii like a baby, and in doing so annoys him so that he swishes his tail (not what Ayumi says, wagging = annoyed in cats). She clearly knows nothing about cats. She likes cats though, so if one of the three suspects was to be the recipient of the cat, it could be her. That might explain why she was dealt with at the door. Masuko would not want Mari to see the wrapping paper + cat case. She claimed that the victim was already seeing someone at the time she came. "Seemed" implies Masuko didn’t tell her, but instead she picked up cues indicating there was someone inside already. Those cues could be shoes, or music. If she was lying, that means there wasn’t another guest at the apartment, and she must have been completely let in. That would mean she let in Rinpei without a word and then didn’t answer him to create another suspect. Masuko not responding to Urushiya Rinpei's ringing is suspicious. I doubt Masuko would have ignored him like that, even if he was busy with another guest. Either Rinpei is lying or the victim had already been pushed over by that point and couldn't answer. Being persistent with the doorbell makes sense because Rinpei thought Masuko let him in to the complex. It wouldn’t make much sense to have the flat owner let him in, but then go somewhere without seeing him. If Rinpei was lying about his story, that means Masuko let him in, and he wouldn’t have had to push the doorbell multiple times. The problem is why he chose to lie as he did. He is apparently a regular at coming over, so he would know the apartment's tech well. If he wanted to trick the police into thinking someone else did the crime then it would make sense to come up with a story that implies the killer buzzed him in. Coming over unannounced though means Rinpei probably didn’t know Masuko’s schedule and if there would be anyone else he could blame the crime on. Urushiya Rinpei appears to be lying about hating cats. He picks up the bottle cap first when Genta spills in front of the cat. That is the item the cat would be attracted to most (cats like to bat bottle caps apparently), so he knows a bit about their preferences. He also got scratched on the hand, which wouldn’t have happened if didn’t bend down to the stray cat. In conclusion none of the victim’s testimony about what they were doing absolutely contradicts what the others said happened. Tape, scissors and wrapping paper usually covers the minimum, but Conan thinks there is something else missing from the wrapping scene. The missing item might have been the old container the previous item came in, because it would have been thrown out or discarded. Ribbon is another option. Also some people do use rulers to measure packages. Ribbon is a key item because it could be used to lock the door from the outside in two steps, and might be the item that Conan would have expected to be there. First use ribbon to get the U-bar on, and retrieve it. Then open the door to verify the u-bar, reach in, loop the ribbon around the knob lock, shut the door, and pull the ribbon in the right way to turn the knob and lock the door. The method for getting the u-bar on is described in this diagram. The turning knob lock on my door is very similar to the victim’s in this case, and I could lock it (turn it from vertically oriented to horizontally oriented) from the outside with either a bit of tape (easy, first try, fast, but might leave a little sticky residue), or with a bit of ribbon (harder, needed several tries but the vic has a lock that is better shaped for the purpose than mine. No residue if using unfrayed ribbon) To lock the knob lock with ribbon, you make a bend in the ribbon, loop it over the vertically oriented knob through the small gap in the door using your fingers, hold it taut so there is good friction, and pull the correct end so the knob turns properly. If it doesn’t work the first time, you open the door and try again. Conan could get his foot and hand in the gap so it is certainly big enough for an adult to reach in. The tape version works very similarly to the u-bar trick in the Night Baron murder case, only you put it on the knob lock. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Night_Baron_Murder_Case Conan pulled his wool string through earlier as proof of concept. Tai would be expected to play with the long ribbon as it is being retrieved from locking the u-bar. Some ribbon threads might be left in Tai’s claws, or the ribbon could be stained with blood from the vic, transferred from the cat’s paws. I have been informed by someone who read spoilers that part of my locking the door solution is not what is shown in the solution. I’m not really sure how I can fix it, since I verified it works and quickly at that. Maybe Tai can be used to pull dangling ribbons as part of the trick. Dunno.
  19. That kind of info is easy to find in the wiki. Check the statistics for First appearance.
  20. Probably Pisco since he was the deepest into the Org and most connected with the overarching plot. He also occupied a position no other members we have seen belong to: fundraising. I think it would be interesting to know how the Organization gets involved in legal enterprises, like companies. Also since Pisco was old he may have been one of the earliest members. There may be a story there. Calvados would be my second pick, because I would like to know how Vermouth entranced him and how Calvados got along with Korn and Chianti... Tequila was involved in the Itakura blackmail, but other than that he seems to be a grunt. He'd only be interesting if his Osaka accent was because the Black Organization had bases of operation in the Kansai region (i.e. stuff for Hattori to look into.).
  21. This was the best website by far on the web for academic research about the meaning of flowers, but it seems to be gone... http://home.comcast.net/~bryant.katherine/flowers.html Here is the archive of the site http://web.archive.org/web/20120214152131/http://home.comcast.net/~bryant.katherine/flowers.html These are the western meanings though.
  22. I don't think that Gosho considers Ai and Conan to be this way, at least anything more than onesided on Ai's part. At this point Shiho has made peace with the face Shinichi only has eyes for Ran, Ai hasn't been written into a plot-corner over this issue. The reason they were fooled is because they ran out of evidence to support their hunches. As far as both of them knew prior the train Akai was really dead. Even Bourbon who didn't want to concede that Kir did kill Akai was forced to admit defeat. I think it's likely they will both live, but it's possible Gosho might write a showdown to have Amuro find out Akai is alive resulting in Kir getting kicked out needing rescuing from the Organization.
  23. The halfway point thing was halfway for Red versus Black, just that anime arc. The animators don't know how long Gosho plans to write. Gosho probably will end DC when he is older than 53. I don't think he will write a boss arc in anything less than 100 chapters (~2 years); if anything it will be more like 200 chapters (4 years). He also mentioned in a later interview he was thinking of introducing more BO members, so even if the Bourbon arc finishes, there might be more arcs still before the boss arc.
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