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Chekhov MacGuffin

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Everything posted by Chekhov MacGuffin

  1. KnightusMax has found some spoilers if anyone is interested in translating. http://yuzuru.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/comicnews/1317349627/491 Edit there are more parts. Conan 4869 did the first two lines. コナン 「遺伝子情報」 File 794 title: Genetic Information 様々な場所を注視したコナン。悲しい真実とは… Last page side note: Conan observed the various place cautiously, the sad truth is... 伴場「探偵だと!?おかしいじゃねぇか!?何でこの店で偶然ウエイターやってんだよ!?」 安室「僕が採用されたこの店を初音さんに選んでもらったんです…あなたの動向を…監視する為… 浮気性のあなたに女がいないか調べて見張ってくれと…だからわざとあなたのズボンに染みをつけた… 女性に言い寄られないように…まぁ、あなたは気にせず女性と仲良くされていたようですが… もっとも、頼まれていた事を証明しようにも…初音さん本人は焼死してしまったみたいですけど… しかし依頼を受けていた事は、サングラスの彼が証明してくれそうですよ?身辺調査の途中経過を報告してた現場に居合わせたようですし… (目暮「何なんだねあんたは!?」)恐らく彼も探偵…伴場さんに彼女が最近誰かと会っているようなので探って欲しいと依頼され… 密会現場を突き止めたが、男は帽子とフードで顔がわからず…その時聞いた声がウエイターの僕と似てたので… 僕を呼んで注文し、改めて声を確認し…同一人物だとサインで伴場さんに伝えた… その直前に携帯でトイレに呼び出したのは、店内に例の男がいるかもしれないからこれから確かめると伝える為…ですよね?」 春岡「あ、ああ、そうだよ! まさか探偵だと思わなかった…尾行してもまかれたし…」 高木「でも彼女が謎の男と会ってるのを知ってて結婚しようと?」 毛利「普通本人に確かめるだろ?」 伴場「その密会以来会ってねえって探偵さんが言ってたし、彼女を調べてたなんて知られたら、 嫌われると思ったんだよ!お互い養子だって事まで打ち明け合った仲だったから…」 毛利「俺に依頼してくれりゃあこんな優男、探偵だってすぐ突き止めたのによ!」 伴場「お前は有名で顔バレしてるし…後で彼女に紹介するつもりだったし…」 毛利「でも、俺に任せてりゃ。彼女が自殺したのはこの店でのお前のご乱行を、この男が電話でチクったからかも!」 してませんよと安室。初音との電話の事を伴場に聞く目暮。泣きながら「サヨナラ」って…と答え、8時54分の通話履歴を見せる 110番通報は9時21分、30分近く時間差があるようですが…と言う目暮 蘭「先に救急車や消防車を呼ぶのに色々手間どっちゃって… でも救急車等が到着した時には…もう手がつけられないぐらい車の中が燃えてたみたいですけど…」 コナンが、何であんなに車が燃えてたか疑問を、蘭も、時々爆発してたみたいだし…と話す 高木がスプレー缶や紙やダンボールが大量に車内にあったから…と説明。 目暮になぜそんな物が?と聞かれ、伴場「パーティーが終わったら2人で車に型紙あててスプレーでデコって、 その車で式場に行ってみんなを驚かそうと…嘘だと思うならメール見てくれよ!材料を揃えたってメールが彼女から来てるから!」 目暮がネイルサロンからのメール「後30分で戻る」に目を止め、車内の可燃物、この店に戻る時間も知ってた。 つまりあなたなら~~付け爪に付着したDNAもほぼ一致した…と疑う 安室「ほぼという事は…皮膚が雨や泥などで~~…血縁者じゃない限り… 遺伝子情報(ゲノム)のほぼ一致は~~」と伴場に疑いの目を向ける 伴場が「何だと!?」と殴りかかるが、安室は軽く避け、大げさ?に「や、止めてください~~」 毛利が伴場を落ち着かせる。コナンが伴場の靴の裏?を見て『ん?じゃあ、この人どうやって…(DNA鑑定を承諾し、高木と行く伴場) まあ結果がでればはっきりするさ…トリックを考えるのはそれからでも…』 蘭「でもDNA鑑定ってすごいよね…~~(コナン「うん、そだね…」) じゃあ姿を変えてみんなをだましてる人もすぐにわかっちゃうね!(「う、うん…そだね…」) 高木が目暮に、店から駐車場に出るドアは店の後方に一つあるが事件時は鍵。 正面の出入口なら誰かが覚えてる。一応トイレから出れば駐車場に行けるが… 窓の下には大きな水たまり…そこを通れば足跡が残るはず…店内の客の中にも裾や靴を汚した人はいないよう… 後、事件当時は風が吹いてて…初音さんの持ってた傘が駐車場の端まで飛ばされてた等会話 コナン『風…?そーいえば店に来た時…結構 吹いてたな…』 目暮が2人の探偵に「心当たりは?2人がもめてたとか…自殺する程悩み事を抱えてたとか…」 春岡「さぁね…男と密会してると教えた時は動揺してたが… 最近は誰かとこそこそ電話してた方が気になってたようですよ…どーせこの男との連絡…」 安室「あ、いや…僕は彼女との連絡はメールで…外で会ったのも、あなたが見た一度きり…ただ彼女が顔を曇らせた事が一度だけ… 彼を調べてて…ある事がわかった… 彼は彼女と同じホテル火災で助けられた2人で…身元不明のまま同じ教会で育てられた事が…」 コナン『え?……』 目暮「2人の両親はそれぞれその火事で…」 安室「恐らく…2人共赤子だったらしいので」 目暮「2人は幼馴染み?」 安室「いえ…彼はすぐ里親に…彼女の方はしばらく協会で…」 目暮「だが何でそれで顔を曇らせたんだね?」 安室「さあ…後は自分で調べると言ってました…」 コナン「ねぇ、蘭姉ちゃん…初音さんの背って…蘭姉ちゃんより低かったよね?」 蘭「うん…でも高いヒールのブーツ履いてたから150そこそこかも…」 コナン『日本人女性の平均は159ぐらいだったよな…』 千葉が目暮に遺体の付け爪が一つ足りないと報告。コナンが駆け出し、外の検視官に傘を見つけた場所を聞き そこでタイヤと車体が雨よけになって、ほとんど汚れてない、爪の先に皮膚と血痕が付いた付け爪を発見し、検視官に教える コナン『恐らく…これではっきりするはず…誰が彼女の命を断ったかが…そして…オレの推理通りなら… (伴場を見ながら)白日の下に晒されちまう…知りたくなかった…悲しい真実が…』
  2. So they sent me a Parkur. He was too sarcastic, so I sent him back. #DearZooDCW

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      So you sent back a perfectly good Parkur for his best trait? That is just wrong Chek!

    2. Parkur


      Chek likes me, even if she's tsundere about it, I notice that she didn't ask for a refund, and kept me for a week ;)

    3. CarpetCrawler


      That's because you have to keep it for a certain amount of days before you can send it back. :V

    4. Show next comments  198 more
  3. Who is Amuro Tooru and what is he up to? By popular request, a thread for speculating about the latest detective! For past discussion, see this thread: I hope everyone will repost their important deductions. Also please recommend another poll question. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- References Name Origin: Tooru Amuro has a Mobile Suit Gundam inspired name. He is named after the main protagonist Amuro Ray, and Amuro's voice actor Touru Furuya. Amuro Ray is the mortal enemy of Char Aznable, the character Akai Shuuichi is named after.
  4. Gotcha. I would appreciate if everyone would repost everything Amuro related they said here. REPOST YOUR DEDUCTIONS HERE PEOPLE
  5. I wonder if CarpetCrawler has checked his messages? #CarpetCrawler

    1. CarpetCrawler


      CarpetCrawler needed to be online first. #Busy #RLSucks

  6. Now help me think of the most embarrassing couples possible to replace the placeholders IU voted for. >: D
  7. Since Amuro already looks to be important, should we start a new thread for him a la Sera so we don't have to reuse the case thread?
  8. The fiancee could have just made up the Sayonara part. If the wife was knocked out then she couldn't have made the call. I wonder if this is really a howdunnit case rather than a whodunnit.
  9. I think it makes more sense that the culprit attacked her knocked her out, put her in the car, went back inside and waited for bombs/fire whatever to go off on their own to make an alibi. There would have been no reason for the culprit to attack her if they had a trigger she would set off by getting in the car or something. We should get more info next file where everyone was. Most likely all the suspects will have gone outside or something like that just because Gosho wants to make everyone suspicious. I wonder if it even is bombs that blew the car up? Maybe it's a gas/fire explosion, like propane? Re Kyuu, I am pretty sure Vermouth made the disguise because she is definitely involved. She was the one who told Gin something that made him call off Chianti and then Gin asked if the plan was okayed by the boss suggesting she was involved with it.
  10. It's because Gosho uses theme naming. Main usually characters get named after detective related characters if their names didn't come from somewhere else first (Takagi Wataru). Case suspects have a different theme every week, often related to the case. The Lethal Ramen suspects were named after different size ramen orders for instance. Akai and his connections seem to get named after Gundam chars.
  11. I've been holding off because we don't have official names but I can start it anyway. If there is another question that you or anyone else would like to vote on please make a suggestion.
  12. I just finished Gundam. Basically Lalah loved Char and he loved her back (they were kissing and stuff). She had run into Amuro on an earlier occasion, and in the heat of battle she and Amuro had a psychic conversation about fate and about how Amuro was a BAD PERSON for trying to hurt Char. Lalah thought Amuro was going to kill Char if she didn't kill Amuro first. Amuro pointed out that maybe it was fate that they met earlier and then Lalah became confused about her feelings. There was this really weird light show that made me wonder if she and Amuro were having psychic... well, you can imagine. Sayla Mass (Sera's namesake) went flying by and distracted Char unintentionally. Amuro took the moment to try to kill Char, but Lalah stepped in and took the fatal blow. She died. Char became very, very angry and vowed to kill Amuro in revenge for Lalah. I thought the whole Lalah love thing was a bit... strange and contrived. If you want to put this in the DC theory sense though, it seems like there won't be a clean role divide between Tohru and Akai -> they both have elements of both Amuro and Char. This only matters though if the Akemi-Akai-Bourbon triangle is true of course. I suspect he is a detective that the good-for-nothing friend hired to see what his fiancee was up to. That would explain why sunglasses knew about Tohru and the woman "dating" and said so. It also explains the bathroom meeting; he was reporting his investigation results. Both people hired detectives on each other and the to-be-husband's detective thought the to-be-wife was cheating on her fiancee with her detective. The to-be-husband then tried to take it out on Tohru by whacking him around and such.
  13. The faster we remove the watch section, the sooner we don't have to deal with people like these.
  14. Alright, here is the list I have going. This is going on my main Bourbon theory page, but I'll update it here too. Amuro Tohru is Bourbon is Scar Akai •Amuro Tohru's name is a pun on Amuro Ray who is the mortal enemy/rival of Char Aznable. Furuya Tohru voiced Amuro. Akai is named after Char Aznable (The Red Comet) and his voice actor Shuuichi Ikeda. Bourbon hates Akai, so naming Bourbon after Amuro makes sense. •Amuro Tohru is right-handed like scar Akai. •He is a detective •He is male as the codename Bourbon implies. The naming scheme is hard liquors for men and Kir used a male pronoun for him back in the red shirts case. •He is young enough to rival with Akai and be new to codename (29) •He has a type of personality Gin would not like. •He has the right body size and face shape to disguise as Scar Akai.
  15. Good thing he has a unique looking design which implies important char. I could totally see this guy playing Scar Akai; smiling at Chianti would be just his thing judging by his personality already. It's hard to imagine Tohru being vicious though because he has an adorkable face, especially with the inch thick frames. He's right handed of course. He looks hilarious. I just hope he doesn't die because it's a about time the BO had an injection of funny. I hope for some future scene where he, Gin, Vodka, and Vermouth are all stuffed in Gin's Porsche while trying to come up with a plan.
  16. I feel for you. They aren't "real" clues in the sense that they do not come directly from the plot of the story and that in universe characters cannot use the name clues. They are an authorial device on the side. It's also unfortunate that they are rather strong: if you know them, it makes it obvious who the character is. If you are not familiar with the references, you'll miss them which is no fun because everyone else is using them.On another note. If this Amuro is Bourbon, I wonder if he will feel Ran is like Akemi? Akai and Haibara both notice Ran that way. Bourbon might not have known Akemi well enough, but if he had and hates Akai because of a romance triangle, there could be an interesting development there.
  17. I wonder if Conan is going to blow it in this case? Unless he starts picking up weird vibes from this Amuro guy, Conan tends not to hide his intelligence that well. Amuro could take very serious interest in Kogoro/Conan after this. (if he is this Bourbon) It would be nice to see someone seriously go after Conan for a change. I still think Sera will be the one who starts everything when she meets scar Akai (Bourbon) and runs into trouble, but maybe she'll meet scar Akai because he stalks out the Mouri detective agency!?
  18. Jodie called Conan "cool guy" once, then switched to "cool kid" afterwards. It was a hint Jodie wasn't Vermouth after the NY case when you figured out Vermouth knew Conan was Shinichi and was grateful which is why she hadn't spilled his identity to the BO.
  19. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ THE MANGA SPOILERS FOR 793!!!! HYPE! HYPE! HYPE! ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

    1. Parkur


      what are they?

    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      Bourbon. Out of mask. In a case with Kogoro and Conan.

    3. Parkur


      About time \o/

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  20. I did. I missed the pictures of pictures clue, but I got the rest and kept careful notes which helped in the end.
  21. I am assuming the spoilers are true. Hot damn, it may be plot! Four major red flags for Tohru Amuro. 1) Amuro is the mortal enemy/rival of Char Aznable. Bourbon hates Akai. Furuya Tohru voiced Amuro. Akai is named after Char and his voice actor Shuuichi Ikeda. Go figure. 2) Male. 3) Detective. 4) Young (29). Very strong Bourbon vibes going on here. All we need is some pictures of him to confirm he looks like a uniquely designed character vs. the usual case suspect. Still think Bourbon is scar Akai, it's just this guy may be scar Akai out of mask! If Kogoro was invited, this may be a purposeful intercept. Seriously hyped right now.
  22. Did you have the time to measure them? I did. It was hard to come up with a direct comparison because the only character who appears exactly side by side (can see feet to verify) standing straight up next to both Okiya and Akai was Conan, and Conan tends to fluctuate in height. I even tried chaining characters (Okiya next to Ran next to Jodie next to Akai). I'd say they are close enough in height given art variability.
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