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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kiel95


  2. dun worry... i'll sound all depressed... but i'm fine as long as i'm not totally forgotten i'm fine but most of the friends i first made when i joined... they're all currently inactive >///< i haven't heard from Shuu~chan in a while, and Kaoko~chan hasnt been around much... it just makes me sad TT-TT my buddies from when i first joined arent really active... and here i am trying to be active again with all these new ppl... and no one knows me... *sigh*
  3. Kiel95


    I HATE THE ANIME WITH A BURNING PASSION OF A THOUSAND SUNS!!!!! the ending of the anime was so stupid!!! but, i love the manga <3 i just need to finish reading it (i haven't had time because i've been wrapped up in other manga and anime xD)
  4. Kiel95


    Ciel is awesome... but sebby... just melts my heart <3 kyaaa~ <3
  5. Kyuu, i knew i loved u since i first saw your name and found out you were a shinshi (i used kyuu as a name for a cat in one of my stories xD when i saw it as your name i was all "OMG KYAAAAA <3 AND KYUU'S A SHINSHI! ;ASLOHGOAEJHS;LFJASLIEGJFH;SLFIGJ!!!!! <3)

    how are you?

    are you having fun?

    isn't this place awesome?

    sorry bout my spazzyness!

    but are you making friends?

    dont forget to check out the stories section!


    *inhales* *exhales*

    ok :) i'm calm~~~ hi <3

  7. Kiel95


    Hello <3 welcome to dcw! i'm not gonna be that person that drags on with long intros like above *cough* anyways, great to have you here! glad to have more ppl joining and keeping this place alive :3 AICON/SHINSHI FTW <3 have a nice time and make some friends, dont worry, we dont bite... usually =^-^=
  8. yep~ tho apparently i'm quite forgettable like that :/
  9. wow... i feel like i'm reading some repetitive stuff xD for introductions a lot of ppl copy and paste O_o i just type something new for each person so, welcome to DCW! i'm one of the older members who went dormant for a while due to school, but i'm happy to welcome new members! (i'm trying to go back to being active xD) it makes me sad when i see that no one mentions me anymore TT^TT wweeeeell, anyways, its great to meet you :3 now, lastly..... AICON/SHINSHI FTW <3 ok i'm done hope you enjoy yourself here ^^
  10. have fun :3 i think you'll like most ppl here~ we can be very pleasant xD (most of the time ;D)
  11. its true :3 i mean, most ppl dont think i'm from america because my typing isn't exactly proper english (i dont like typing out every word and i dont always go back and fix something when i've typed it wrong xDD) but the best thing to do to meet ppl (other than posting in forums and having to keep track of where u posted...) is the status bar~ as you might have seen it on the home page on the right side~ just post that your new, say hi, and watch as ppl comment and welcome you (not everyone cares to go to the introduction forum) :3 so, welcome~ and dont worry, even if english isnt ur first language and you mess up, nobody'll put you down for it ^^ (unless ur writing fanfiction... then ppl might give pointers but shouldn't be too harsh =^-^=)
  12. believe me... itd make me feel better IF i hadn't been a member for over a year... *sigh* but ppl just dont read fanfics anymore, or at least not aicon/shinshi ones... so nobody really notices me... my most recent fics are rarely read, and my old ones... nobody sees them because they arent on the first page anymore... i mean... i started posting when i first joined and there was only one page for stories... i was the one who posted so many topics it made it to the second page... but then more ppl posted and i faded... yeah.. i feel depressed now... xD so, time to cheer up and say what always makes me feel better... AICON/SHINSHI FTW A THOUSAND TIMES OVER TO THE TENTH POWER <3
  13. ive been getting inactive lately so i figured i'd come to the introductions and say hi i realized how little ppl notice me anymore because i haven't been mentioned once O_O i didnt know i was so obsolete... well i guess its cuz i mainly post in the stories section (have been since there was only one page there) and nobody goes to read it anymore... anyways, welcome to dcw, and if you need any help, u can ask me :3
  14. hey :3 i'm 16 actually a lot of people here arent from a place where english is their first language (i am) but most arent i'm happy to welcome newcomers here! (i'm trying to get back to being active again xD) also, dont be nervous~ we dont bite... usually =^-^= so, thers one last important thing i must say that most ppl that know me will find out... AICON/SHINSHI FTW!!!!!!!!!! RAAAAWR <3 peace out <(^o^<)
  15. hey, welcome to dcw i'm not going to be as flashy as the others since reading long introductions can be a bore xD i've been a member for over a year now (but i was inactive for a while due to school) i'm kinda sad no one above mentioned me... have i really faded that much?!? O_o anyways, i usually just go by Kiel, TTW, or tacticalwolf, or sometimes superwolf... and moho-kun was mentioned earlier... i call him Mochi <3 its cuter ^^ anyways, just wanted to welcome you and tell you something you'd find out sooner or later... AICON/SHINSHI FTW! yeah... thats about it hope you have a great time with us <3
  16. Kiel95

    Short ConAi story

    :DD yes! another aicon <3 <3 <3 but so you know, i am EXTREMELY against shinran... it sends shivers down my spine when i think about it...
  17. Добро jутро

    1. Kiel95


      i dunno... i'll check around to see what stores are hiring... maybe i'll try hallmark or giants or bloom... (sorry it took so long, had to eat lunch xD ~which of course was my first meal so i consider it breakfast :3)

    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      hope one takes you in to work for them, and its ok. Im going off now, i have stuff to do as well

      see ya kiel

      причат че мо послије

    3. Kiel95


      ok :3 talk to you later~

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  18. wow... i've been gone form this topic for a bit and i'm so lost O_O i dont know what to say anymore xD so... i'll say as i always say... AICON/SHINSHI FTW!
  19. who knows Serbian and would like to help teach me? :3

    1. Kiel95


      if the alphabet is different, why not just use Serbian(latin) that way its easier to understand xD (i'm still in the learning process and haven't really gotten far with the cyrillic alphabet so using the serbian(latin) alphabet its easier >///<

    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      znači mogu pričati sa tobom in a latinici

      thanks kiel

      i only used the real ones cause you were learning them

    3. Kiel95


      haha, the thing is, the cyrillic alphabet is going to be something i learn a bit later, for now i'm going with an alphabet i already know :)

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  20. Добро вече

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      we can talk on serbian when you learn it

      али, ја сад идем спавати

      лаку ноћ

    2. Kiel95


      ok gnight :3 we'll talk later ^^

    3. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      What country spectra? My family is from Serbia right near the boarder of Serbia and Montenegro (hence why I am learning the language, I still have a lot of family there)

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  21. Здраво.

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      i know that language its my own but mine and serbian leathers are different thou we are close countries

    2. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      знам мало тог језика

      али сам га заборавио, јер није био потребан у мојој земљи

    3. Kiel95


      i see... is that serbian or russian? :3 i mean, my iphone translated that perfectly xD (kinda surprising) i wish it would tell me what it is i'm translating... xD thats the only drawback really (i alreayd know it cant always give me exact translations)

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  22. CHEEZIT!

    1. Kid the Phantom Thief
    2. Kiel95


      i dunno... i felt like typing the first thing that popped into my mind xD

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief
  23. Kiel95

    DC Fic-Is it True?

    haha, iz ok xD i've done that too xD i'm still 16 and i have immature and stupid moments :3 but i've gone through so much... adult manga.... that i noticed how most... erm... explicit scenes NEVER happen to kids too young unless its some sort of pedo rapist O_O (yeah, dont ask =_=') can't wait to read more ^^
  24. Kiel95

    DC Fic-Is it True?

    i liked it <3 its aicon but.. umm... i know i shouldnt be one to talk... but... theres a bit too much kissing and such going on... their only 13 -__- i know kids nowadays in my area are stupid and doing that... but this is japan.. they wouldn't do that much kissing and that much intimacy at 13.... oh yeah, you should know, I LOVE AICON SO I LOVE YOU <3 ^^ ok then, have a nice day xD oh yes, and u may has a rainbow cookie (>^-^)>(:'.:)
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