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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kiel95

  1. mmmk, if you ever want a reason to become shinshi/aicon, just ask me and i will give you tons of info and reasons!

  2. haha, next time you're in the US (specifically VA), come on over ;)

  3. aaah, HAAAAAAAPPY BIIIIIIRTHDAAAAAAY toooo youuuuuu, haaaappy biiiirthdaaaaay toooo youuuuuu, haaaappy biiiiirthdaaaay deeeaaaar xeeeeeeevaaaaaar, haaaaaappy biiiiirthdaaaaay tooooo yooooooouuuuuuuuuuu!

  4. i c... if you ever want to reada shinshi fanfic, go to the stories section.... i have quite i bit posted there :P still have to finish that though... i'm thinking of getting back to finishing that soon!

  5. <3---<(|c(^.^c) cupid and his love arrow!

  6. bahhahahahahaaha!

    \(^.^)/ hip hip, hooray!!!

  7. try oolong tea and ginseng... they are good ^-^ i've really only tried asian tea or that sweet tea stuff ... mom's asian so yeah... and the other stuff... that's just somethin i tried cuz i felt like it...

  8. ah!!! that was a fat cat!!!

    ___/\____\o/____ shark attack! graaawr

  9. haha, what type of tea is ur favorite?

  10. currently we are not allowed to have videos on this website, some legal issues and such... but if you want to watch episodes for free, just go to www.animecrazy.net works quite nicely ^-^

  11. woah... wait what? you like tea like me? are u calling me tea ?!?!?! (lol jk XDD)

  12. Happy Birthday!!!! ^-^

  13. (\/)(+.+)(\/) cooked crab

  14. aicon is my fav ^-^ i personally think there is much more chemistry between the two

  15. pretty good i guess, i'm rushin to do stuff before i go back to school monday... but otherwise, pretty good ^-^ so you a shinran or an aicon? (i'm guessin shinran tho cuz of your profile pic)

  16. ah, well, its about ... err... well... if i tried to explain it... there'd be waaaaaay too much to say >.< i'd have to give away the whole story to be able to explain it... but mainly, it starts off with the death of a tribe leader in africa...

  17. if you read my status, it gives info... but basically, i'm a little over 10k behind... i finally found someone to help edit it while i continue to write... woudl you like to help me as well?

  18. ah, seems you were never welcomed on your page... so.. WELCOME TO DCW! hope you enjoy it here ^-^

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