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Everything posted by Kiel95

  1. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    because some people won't like the topic... yeah, this is YURI... BUT, THIS IS NOT EXPLICIT IN ANY WAY! IF YOU HAVE THAT MUCH OF A PROBLEM WITH YURI PRETEND THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS OR SOMETHING ^^; JUST DON'T HATE ON IT CUZ IT'S YURI~ anyways enjoy Safe With You
  2. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    hehe thank you <3
  3. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    yay thank you <3 <3 <3 i know what you mean, the blushing part... but i only seem to blush when it's in real life or in a manga and it's a surprise xD
  4. i never seem to get critiques anymore... so guys, can you all critique my work? thanks :D i need it ^-^

    1. Balthazar Manfredie
    2. OldJustal


      Thanks for rep ...

      >_< ! Effort is great but ...

      One of my life motto is effort is nothing but your hardwork effort will not be paid back unless your good enough to get praise for your effort ...:( it's sad isn't it my life motto

    3. Kiel95


      nope~ your motto isn't sad :D i don't really have a motto... but if i had to choose... it'd be... "SHINSHI/ACION FTW... and if you can't deal, then sucks to be you :D" well... i really have no clue what my motto would be :D

  5. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    thanks <3 <3 <3
  6. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    well... so yeah... KaiShin Chibi Kiss <3 *WARNING* THE ABOVE PHOTO IS YAOI, IT'S MINOR YAOI, BUT YAOI NONETHELESS, LOOK AT YOUR OWN RISK! i don't know why, but i really wanted to write that
  7. well, i'll only sleep well as long as my parents don't decide to wake me up early to tell me to do something =__=

  8. it's only been one week and i'm tired as hell =__= i've already got a project and tons of hw...

  9. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    thank you <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
  10. wow... AP psychology is like draining my energy .__. there is so much hw given each class... and i'm not one who is able to just stare at the hw and work through till its done... i have to take tons of breaks and spread it out... and to add on to the worst part... I'M A PROCRASTINATOR so that kind of goes against the fact that i need lots of time to do properly TT-TT

    1. Balthazar Manfredie
    2. Kiel95


      yep... that's why ap psych isn't too fun for me... i mean, i think psychology is cool i guess, but i don't like the fact that there is so much work xD

  11. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    hehe thanks <3 <3 <3 i finally got it colored xD
  12. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    thanks <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ^3^ ~* (that's for both of you xD)
  13. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    thanks i might do a grayscale version as well i find it much easer xD
  14. darn you school!!! i already have so much hw TT-TT well... at least one of my teachers is hot... i mean... uh... I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT.... o___O k... maybe i did >///< but iz true :D

    1. Kiel95


      its only the first week of school... i already have a project due next week!

      an umm... female :D no male teachers look hot... it's weird... there just aren't any... now there is one who's above average... i guess one could call him cute... and he's nice :D but i think the girl looks better :)

    2. Balthazar Manfredie
    3. Kiel95
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    Here it is, finally colored <3 COLORED! <3 <3 ahhh, i so happy it's done
  16. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    I think Rin is my fav character in Inuyasha <3 so far the colorin is going pretty well~ i mainly have just the actual ppl to color and i done <3 so about 10 more to go~~~
  17. no problem Thankfully I'm not a complete dummy when it comes to English (although I must say that it's not my best subject even if it is my first language xD)

  19. look her up :D she's of japanese descent... she acts, sings, and dances :D she's amazing <3

  20. Kiel95

    Ai pic(s)

    and yes, that is Sebby <3 and thanks everyon i'm actually in the process at attempting to color... but don't worry, i photocopied it first so if i screwed up iz ok xD
  21. kian? i don't mind, but why? :3 ~~~ is it because of kiyokian? (just so you know, a kiyokian is a fan of the actress/singer/dancer Hayley Kiyoko xD)

  22. School tomorrow... i'm ready and i'm not... doesn't that just suck?

  23. ah, ok then xD i don't see why you couldn't say it because little kids were here~ *phew* had me worried for a moment there xD
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