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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kiel95

  1. ok, you gotta stop with that husband and wife stuff... he's like what... 40?!? it won' hapen
  2. lol, good point! although suing him would be good if he stopped liking Ran ^-^ teehee, as you might see, i'm a shinshi/conai fan!
  3. WELCOME! FEEL FRE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS! just ignore shuu here lol :P anyways, it's great to meet you! you have the same birthday as my friend and a day before mine!

  4. YYYYEEEEEEEESSSS ANOTHER NEWBIE! WELCOME TO DCW! I LOVE YOU ^-^ LOL anyways, it's great to meet you and i hope you have a great time here, i'm Kiel/Tacticalwolf/TTW/Superwolf... don't ask about all the nicknames, but you can refer to me using any of them! also if you need help don't hesitate to ask! i know what you mean by no friends watc/read dc... it can be depressing anywyas, my question for you... SHINRAN or AICON?
  5. u sure? i'm a freakin superwolf, you can't touch this, dun dun dun dun.... duuuun duuuuuun can't touch this!
  6. yeah it does, movie 14 has fine subs... i wonder why everyone thought so badly bout it... i loved it ^-^

  7. -.- r-tard, i'm a girl... i would never wear crap like that >.< lol anyways, what are you doin for halloween?
  8. WELCOME TO DCW!!! so you shinran or aicon?

  9. no offense, but did you even read the previous posts? it clearly states that no videos are possible on this website. i wish people would understand... so here is where i say in large, bold, and red letters... VIDEOS DO NOT WORK ON THIS SITEat this time.
  10. that's why we can't necessarily post any links to sites and whatnot... of course we can tell others where they might begin their search..*hint hint* typing in the name of a website in google *cough cough* i said nothing
  11. its not anywhere on this site... erm... if you want try animecrazy.net it has recent updates ^-^ quite nice i might add! also, WELCOME!!!!! so shinran or aicon?
  12. i watched it... i don't see why everyone hates it so much... i didn't find it too bad... i mean, much better than what others were saying... (now i'm going to download it and stick it on my ipod to watch in school teehee ^-^)
  13. the subbers may have been busy subbing movie 14... that's all i can think of :P

  14. that's why i wasn't shooting u for asking a rhetorical question ^-^
  15. nah, i'ma be the grim reaper, i'm gonna carry a lantern around with smoke pouring out of it... and i'm going to be silent... then i can sneak up on ppl and scare them ^-^
  16. conan gets the credit, but 'araide' had to go along with it
  17. 82! oh, i'm half chinese, but i don't understand anything bout it, no do i care to! culture and heritage has never meant much to me...
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