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Everything posted by Kiel95

  1. fWgFpXoh4knM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=180&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dshinichi%2Band%2Bshiho%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2TSNA_enUS359%26biw%3D1339%26bih%3D583%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=599&ei=WuqXTKSTNYG0lQe6jeHTBQ&oei=WuqXTKSTNYG0lQe6jeHTBQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=103&ty=60

  2. that was the rest of it... sorry didn't realize it had cut off.. oh but don't copy the ... or the second C1 in the second message... sorry that was my mistype

  3. C1fWgFpXoh4knM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=180&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dshinichi%2Band%2Bshiho%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2TSNA_enUS359%26biw%3D1339%26bih%3D583%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=599&ei=WuqXTKSTNYG0lQe6jeHTBQ&oei=WuqXTKSTNYG0lQe6jeHTBQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=103&ty=60

  4. thats the link for a bigger pic

  5. that should be the link to my profile pic

  6. nice ya'll these are good ^-^ how about... for some reason even though ayumi and ai are both in like what... 1st grade? in the first episode that ai appeared, both have quite a pronounced chest for a child... -.- what is up with that? later though they become flat chested.. what were they inflated and deflated as time went on ?!?
  7. yup, he's a drunkard, womanizer, with a big ego... not exactly the type of man one would want to be with...
  8. yeah, but he still can radiate that feel from him, besides numabuchi wasn't a big fish in the large picture, he was more of like... a grain of sand in a fish tank... he isn't a huge deal, if he's gone theres still plenty more sand for use... one grain of sand isn't worth that much until all the grains are added together... so he probably wasn't in for too long and didn't have much significance due to his frame of mind
  9. i know what you mean... i've gotten a few friends to at least read a bit... they lost interest fast tho TT.TT
  10. Kiel95

    Ai x Mitsuhiko

    hrmmm... lets try to at least get it to 5
  11. i dont remember either, but its right after their face off with vermouth...
  12. kogoro IS immature....
  13. -.- it shall never be good news for as long as conan and ai/ shinichi and shiho arent together! once those two are together (which i actually doubt will ever happen) THEN it will be good news since you guys are just wishing shinran to be together but arent... well wutev...
  14. yeah, i really do hope the two end together... >w<
  15. Kiel95

    Ai x Mitsuhiko

    well we never really got a huge list about how many times ai has used mitsuhiko... we had a few but it wasn't very many
  16. haha, even if there aren't a lot, as long as new stuffs is posted (like each new chapters scanlation) i think it will gather people on its own... hehe,scanlations ^-^ i can't wait for the next one!
  17. i think theres a difference... i think that either because he is not part of the org anymore, or he doesn't have any killing intent at the moment is why he no longer emits the 'scent' of a member
  18. Kiel95


    yeah, two cell phones!
  19. you mean 'anata' meaning dear? not 'anata' meaning you... since it means both... i think itd be best used as dear ^-^ or maybe he should call her Ai meaning <3 ^-^
  20. this is bad.... i am addicted >.< almost everything listed above has applied to me! it's reaaaaaaally bad... i need to concentrate on writing my own stories, but somehow whenever i can't think about my own story i either start watching/reading/drawing/writing fanfics/drawing detective conan stuffs >.< also i check this site like ever hour or less... and its only because i just want to get on v.v even if there is nothing new on here and i know it, i can't help but check! *sniff* i'm a pure detective conan otaku... i've even started to learn some japanese vocabulary just from watching it over and over!
  21. also, the reason why Ai feels that okiya is bourboun, even if he is really akai, is because he used to be a member so he is able to radiate the same killing aura... Ai picks up on it and thinks he is a black org member, but i think its really akai ^-^
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