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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kiel95

  1. yup ^-^ thats just the way it works anyways, if she wasn't after shinichi i wouldnt be against her as much... but i do get annoyed with her constant "Shinichi" this "Shinichi" that... i do like her karate skills tho ... but i still prefer Ai!
  2. hell yeah ConAi/ShinShi forever!!! <3<3<3
  3. hmm you should make sure that water has ice in it as well, works much faster the colder it is ^-^
  4. Kiel95

    Kaito and Aoko

    hahahaha, i would never use moist paper... for one thing... i'm to lazy to moisten it >w<
  5. that sucks... you should dunk him in some water... supposedly that helps arouse a drunkard...
  6. ... drunkards... so fudgin anoyin
  7. yup school starts... OH. SHIT. school starts tomorrow!!! i didn't even realize it until i looked at my phone to respond!!! -.- ugh, kill me now!!!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!~!!!!!

  9. thats not right... not right at all.
  10. Kiel95

    Kaito and Aoko

    hehe, i use my pinky so that i don't accidentally smear something i don't want to smear... i hate when that happens
  11. well, according to the time on the bottom of the webpage at the current moment it says 6:36 AM... it's 7:36 AM
  12. don't forget it goes last name then first in japan kudo ai kudo conan (still strange but y'know those are names that'd be possible chosen)
  13. well we can't really know until we're old enough to try it now can we? unless someone explains it for us
  14. tsk tsk, you thought about it... well i have to go to bed, i'll talk to you tomorrow night
  15. yup yup.... ok shihoxshinichi... i would think if they had a daughter they would name it akemi (y'know in honor of shiho's sister) if they had a boy... possibly it would be named conan... if they had a second girl, maybe named ai (just because they don't want to completely part with all their names...)
  16. ... don't even think about it
  17. hrmm... i've been trying to think of one for the past 10 minutes.. i got nothing TT.TT i think i need some sleep... for some reason, even while half asleep in the car, i became tired because i was trying to figure out how to write a hakubaxshiho fanfic on request from detective Kaoko-chan, so i thought of an idea, partly in my sleep nd while partly awake... so its like i was working while sleeping... my dream was a pretty good starter for the story...
  18. if u mean shiho and shinichi..... awesome that's what ^-^ cuz they make the best pair... although if you really are askin out of interest, if the detective is japanese, it is completely possible that the child will have dark hair, but its also possible that it is a light brown or even blonde (depending on the dominant hair trait)
  19. Kiel95

    Ai x Mitsuhiko

    basically... i just like keeping topics alive and well ^-^ anyways, its always fun to list things since people can always comment on the list... also we are mainly the only ones active (other than a few others) currently its like only 5 people are actually on often... it feels kinda deserted around here.. and once i'm back in school i'm gonna not be on as often TT.TT
  20. NOO!!!! Gin you evil!!!!!!!!! stay away from sherry!!! (although i still want to know what their real relationship is....)
  21. but thats only with all of the ingredients, that isn't if it was just those two mixed..
  22. Kiel95

    Ai x Mitsuhiko

    thats #3!!! lets keep em comin ^-^ 1. there was that ep with the traitor higo(soccer player)-ai's fav player, and how she leaned against mitsuhiko placing her ear next to his trying to listen to the outcome of the game...(tacticalwolf) 2. that ep where she was having trouble with static electricity... just by saying something was and sort of ordering for it like a princes (not directed to anyone directly) she got him to get the flashlight out so that she didn't have to worry about getting shocked.... hmmm i know there were more... (tacticalwolf) 3.I think that she purposely said to ayumi when she said that they have found a mystical sea creature(to make mitsuhiko and genta....) (Shuuichi Akai)
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