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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by Kiel95

  1. ur going to make me die of laughter... after reading your comment i couldn't breath for a bit there... -.- thanks, thanks a lot... it was hilarious!!!!!! ^-^
  2. ah, but korn and chianti and vodka and sherry didn't... i actually think vodka may be bald.......
  3. if it doesnt i'll be mad, cuz thats kind of like saying that they should be together... gin, go die in a hole, you don't deserve to be compared to sherry!!!!
  4. no der, i only hope its a terrible one so that it is obvious that they shouldnt be mixed XD
  5. O.o as long as the detective isn't Kudo then i don't care... but a detective rhino... hmm ... oh my god... just thinking about it *pfft* i think I'm going to die laughing... hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhaahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahaha *breath* hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha *gasp* *breath* hahahahahahhahahahahahahaHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *gasp* *Breath* *sigh* done.
  6. Kiel95

    Kaito and Aoko

    haha, i'm always too lazy when shading, instead of that i just crumple up scrap paper or use my pinky
  7. ikr! i think it'll be good ^-^
  8. ok so, gin and sherry... hmm i remember reading det con at one point and in one chapter vermouth says to gin, how about tonight we make some martini... because when you mix vermouth and gin you get martini... what happens if you mix gin and sherry? (I'm not sure i want to know the answer... but its been bugging me since i thought of it)
  9. thats good ^-^ hehe mouri's is def one of the funny ones!
  10. geez... you doin better than i am! i got no clue what it would be called.. when it comes to names.. i always end up drawin a blank -.- ......................*BLAAAAAAANK*
  11. pffft! hahahahahahhahahahahha!!! but i think you mean Ran not 3an... PFFFTT detective and rhino... NICE! *two thumbs up!* ^-^
  12. not really, i already know that shinran will most likely be the end, but i'm allowed to wish it isn't until it is as they say 'set in stone' or what i'll say is... published..
  13. thats better than any guess i got, i'm so uncreative, i would call it the 'evil crow syndicate' thats the best i got
  14. oh, btw Kaoko-chan, I think i know how I'm going to start the story of their first meet! i think i finally got it... actually i thought of it while listening to my music loudly on the car ride home and while half asleep! ^-^ i'm glad i remember most of it!


  16. oooh, sounds good ^-^ can't wait to
  17. sorry buddy, you've just met 2 of the most active ShihoxShinichi/AixConan fans here ^-^ bwahahahaha, welcome to the world of ConAi/ShinShi!!!
  18. can u put the actual case numbers on them? itd be easier to find that way ^-^
  19. haha, the new ones are good!!! although.. i must say.. genta's should have to do with unaju not going to the bathroom... oh and akai.. i like ur message for shiho ^-^
  20. i wuz always confused with that... anyways, now that that question has been answered, anyone wanna make up random names and see who gets closest to what its real name will be???
  21. i agree... another shinran??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  22. i'll be pissed if that happens
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