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Detective Conan World

Miwako Sato

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Everything posted by Miwako Sato

  1. Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
  2. Back again to University ...

  3. 40th Chapter ... I'd never believe I'd write this much :o

    1. Diamond


      And I'll never believe to review as much xD. Can't wait to read the entire thing. ^-^

    2. Miwako Sato

      Miwako Sato

      You should review :P Because I truly work faster with reviews ;)

    3. Diamond


      I shall review it soon. :D

  4. I'm fine ... truly uneasy to write a word ... but yet still i can say i am fine ... how are you ? it's been a while

  5. I wonder why .... people read my story ... but few review ... It's not few but just two reviewed .... Truly disappointed

  6. Pleased to ... I've uploaded some chapters ... please review

  7. Hello ... I'm new here If you'd ask me to suggest you some truly amazing fics I'd give you a very long list like The return here's the link Here and many others i will post later ... but i'd probably suggest you mine My link it's truly good ( That's what i think ) i'd be truly thankful if you read it and tell me what you think of it i will post some other good fiction later ... but for now please tell me what you think
  8. If it's an important memory, you must not forget it. Because when a person dies, they can only live on through other people's memories of them

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