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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by DetectiveConanfan

  1. 27!!! and sorry i didn't see the second page earlier. XD
  2. pronounced as /eether/ ugly, but nice or pretty, but mean
  3. so he know's about conan in the movie. but what about the manga?
  4. i fell for the exact thing when i was watching it, cause they're so similar. XD
  5. hmmm.. i've watched all the op, and my fave now would probably be Everlasting Luv by B'z ^^
  6. haha. yeah.. then the all main characters in that police department will have a partner. XD
  7. hm... doesn't look that bad...... wonder who slaps Ai though.. XD but the bad guys DO look really goofy and stupid. but we shouldn't judge it before we watch it....
  8. hm.... i finished reading it though, so i should get everything.... hopefully i'm only on season 3, but on movie 5....
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