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Detective Conan World

Inspector Gin

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Everything posted by Inspector Gin

  1. I will take that as a yes :D.

  2. I will say your between 12 and 17, am I right?

    1. Inspector Gin
    2. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      I kinda had a minirant there... Yeah... Used to be huge into samurai... so... er... just... yeah... follow what I said... ^_^;;;

    3. Inspector Gin
    4. Show next comments  33 more
  3. Welcome to The land of the Samurai. This is a Samurai club where all the members that are interested in the history of the Samurai, Samurai Books, Samurai Manga, Samurai Anime, Samurai Games, etc. can come to and have fun. Here are some lists of stuff related to Samurai: -List of Samurai Documentaries: -List of Samurai Articles: -List of Samurai Books: -List of Samurai Movies: -List of Samurai Manga: -List of Samurai Anime: -List of Samurai Games: Have fun and take care :grin: Members: @aika @Conia @Officer Kaoko @detective-db @Hajime Kindaichi
  4. Welcome to DCW :grin:. If you need any help, just ask !
  5. Hey Naruto fans :D. Chapter 575 is out and things are getting interesting!!

  6. Congratulation on you 13 birthday!!

  7. Hi Shinichi Kodou.

    It's been a long time :).

    Your 17 now, congratulation!!

  8. I just finished reading Naruto the Manga chapter 575, things are getting interesting :razz:. I can't wait for chapter 576 :cool:.
  9. I buy from Amazon sometimes, that's all :grin:.
  10. I don't own a websites, but if I was to vote for any DC websites I will vote for DCW :grin:. I will sign up for your website, so keep up the good work :grin:. I think it's to see who has the best website :grin:.
  11. Nice dog !! Is Kramer a boy or a girl? Howe old is it?
  12. ~~Yesterday is today's history and today is tomorrow history~~

  13. My favorit character from the good guys will be Shinichi and from the bad guys Gin.
  14. Got to go now...Goodnight!!
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