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Detective Conan World

Inspector Gin

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Status Updates posted by Inspector Gin

  1. My granduncle is coming for a visit soon :D.

  2. I am going to eat for the first time in the day :D.

    1. Inspector Gin

      Inspector Gin

      I did not have breakfast, and it's 6:43PM :).

    2. Sakila


      D: That's terrible! How can you survive?

    3. Inspector Gin

      Inspector Gin

      Hehehehe, it's a secret :).

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  3. Hello.

    How are you Southpaw?

    I would like to be you friend if that's okay with you :D.

  4. Talk about your favorite BO characters, talk about the Black Organisation, share your theories on the Black Organisation and so on.

  5. Your welcome :).

    What's the question?

  6. I open the club if still want to join :).

  7. The Club is now open if you want to join or post.

  8. I am thinking of to open a Gin fan club. But is it okay to out it in General?

    1. Inspector Gin

      Inspector Gin

      The club is open :).



      Yeah \o/ hehehhe thank you sir,

      *bunny puts her hand to her head and soulutes you :P

    3. Inspector Gin
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  9. I hope you have some free time soon, so that you could go on DCW more :D. And I am fine thank you.

  10. You started college, that's nice :).

    Life is good. I will be going back to England soon :D.

  11. Hi :).

    How are you?

    It's been a while since we last spoke.

  12. Hi.

    You stopped visiting DCW?

  13. How's everything going Kiel?

  14. Hello.

    How are you?


  15. Hi Tna Uchiha.

    How are you? Are you still into Naruto?

  16. I will take that as a yes :D.

  17. I will say your between 12 and 17, am I right?

    1. Inspector Gin
    2. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      I kinda had a minirant there... Yeah... Used to be huge into samurai... so... er... just... yeah... follow what I said... ^_^;;;

    3. Inspector Gin
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