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tengaku squared

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Everything posted by tengaku squared

  1. That's a pretty obvious point there. Mmmm. "The ends justify the means."
  2. Closing down this round due to major inactivity. In other words, this round has been discontinued.
  3. "So zetta slow, kids. Four lowly hectopascals and one downgraded fractal. Ah, and now you've come to be integrated, I assume?" Stein tilted his head back and cackled. Then he abruptly stopped, and frowned. "Footsteps...one more factor?" The group turned around to meet the eyes of a small brown-haired boy with a smirk on his face. "Good evening, Stein. Or should I say Danzo?" For a small boy, his voice sounded unusually eloquent and deep. "Haven't been called that in a while." The now Danzo took off his skull cap and shoved it into his pocket. "So what are you, fractal?" The boy didn't answer, but his smirk remained. Danzo grimaced, then cackled again. "Oh, I see, I see! This is all according to plan! Ha!" He ripped off his shirt to reveal black magical lines runnning down his body. "And in the end, it doesn't even factor in." It's time, I suppose, to show you the limit as I approach infinity!" He crossed both his arms and began to glow. The black lines running down his body began to pulsate and glow purple. The purple lines starting drawing elaborate designs on his arms, similar to a Forbidden Spirit sigil. His eyes began to glow purple and his skin began turning black. Soon, his eyes were completely purple, his skin was black, and deep pulsating purple lines ran down his body. "Ahaha! Witness the power of a higher Angel! An entity that surpasses even Him!" He expanded both his arms out and began distorting the space around the group until the group was in a completely different dimension, devoid of any features. "Now...that we are alone, it's time to be iterated, yoctograms! Forbidden Spirit and Angel combined, let's see how you fare!" He waved his arm and several beams of purple light down and narrowly missed the group. "Oh dear. Looks like Danzo's no longer bound to the rules of an Angel," the boy remarked. "And he's grown much more powerful. I suppose I could lend you a hand." The boy reached into his pocket and whipped out a cell phone. "Well, have fun!" He dialed a few numbers on the phone and bright beams of light targeted Danzo, who didn't seem very fazed. ======================== So Stein/Danzo has taken in a power boost. He's similar to a Forbidden Spirit in that he can take enormous punishment, but his magic has also received a terrific buff. The boy's an NPC I had in the wings but never got to deploy. So, here he is, as your ally! Oh. and while you battle, Walpurgis Night is destroying the school, so hurry up! Joshua
  4. (I guess since we're running pretty low on time to set up the final battle.) Stein lifted his finger off the magic circle he drew on the school's rooftop. A glowing light was hovering around him, blinking over and over. A strange humming voice came from the light: "What exactly do you think you're doing?" Stein swatted the light, but the light flew out of range. He fixed his hat and put his hands together. "What does it look like? I'm doing a magic spell." In response, the light shot a single beam at Stein, stinging him. Stein put his arm to the wound, but didn't appear in much pain. "Don't play coy. I recognize that sigil anywhere - that circle is going to summon Walpurgis Night itself." "Quite the scholar You are. I'm a mathematician." "I don't recall giving you these orders." Stein turned towards the light and put his hands up in exasperation. "I recall Your orders were to watch over the people of this world? That's exactly what I'm doing. Now I'm guiding them to a new exponential." The light remained silent, and stopped flashing. Then it began to glow brighter. "So be it. Before I leave, may I be informed of the identity of that strange circle inscribed on your back?" Stein appeared mildly assumed by the question. "This would be a Forbidden Spirit circle. And that is all You need to know." The light hummed, then went off. Stein turned back to the circle, and began ramping up his mana flow. He placed his hands on the circle, which emitted a harsh purple light that shot into the sky. Stein noted tiny purple lights shooting from the carefully placed corpses on the school grounds and into the circle. The circle contracted, then expanded to encompass the entire school. The ground began to shake and the sounds of chains breaking came through the air. Then, a single hole opened up in the ground, and a dark black hand with sharp purple nails came out. The hand pressed itself against the ground, as if lifting a larger figure. The ground began to bulge, as if something very large was breaking out of the earth. Stein let out a chilling laugh. He watched Walpuris Night break from its prison from the edge of the roof. He spread out both his arms. "Hahahahaha! The time has come! Drown in the sea of imaginary numbers!" A harsh screech came from the earth, and then the earth exploded, releasing the horror that was meant to stay underground. =================================================== (Here it comes, Walpurgis Night itself! I left the appearance pretty vague except for one black hand, but you can make it up as you go. Make me proud! And good luck, guys!)
  5. (And you'll get your turn.) "What the?! You little factoring...that is not my title!" Stein spread both his arms out and began to glow. "I'll drop you like an apple from a tree, you factoring hectopascal!" He put both his hands together, and began to glow even more brightly. He pointed a finger at Rouge, and then clenched his fist. He called the name of his spell, "Gravity: Collapse Inwards!" Countless numbers of little dots of light began forming in the area. Then a strange thing occured: Rouge began to collapse inwards and crunched into a smaller and smaller mass, and then a vortex formed where Rouge was. The dots of light fell into the vortex, as well as the walls, and anything else nearby... Then the vortex stopped, and Stein stopped glowing. The entire area was devoid of all features; everything around Rouge and Rouge himself disappeared. Stein dusted his hands, and observed his work. "What the factor was that? A magician like that, a yoctogram compared to Tonate and a speck of dust in the universe, challenging me?" Stein began to teleport again and was gone. =========================== Rouge has been crunched into nothing. Everything within a 50 meter perimeter of Rouge has also been sucked into the vortex and was taken who knows where. Thank you, Usui. I needed to show Stein's full combat abilities somewhere. I also got kinda bored. :V Gravity: Collapse Inwards
  6. Those aren't cliches. All of these are unique to your fanfic. A cliche is an overused trope.
  7. Avatar: Inaban <3 (10/10) Signature: That is a lovely gif. (8/10)
  8. (Mmm, not much longer. A week or two? As a result, no more NPCs may be created. I will also be less lenient with inactivity from here on out.)
  9. I'm really not sure how I feel about your avatar and signature. So... Avatar: i / 10 Signature: i / 10
  10. "Eh, I wasn't planning on coming here." Stein shrugged off the body of Kavin that he was carrying on his back and turned to face Garnet. "What's this, another yoctogram? They keep coming in sequences." He raised his hand, and continued, "I suppose you want to fight me, now that you've seen the decimation of that two-digit decimal. Not really worthy to be factored, even." "Ah, ah, but unforunately," and he took a glance at his watch, "angels aren't allowed to fight lower plane yoctos unless challenged. Not unless you say I insert name here will challenge the angel Stein, the Numerical Singularity and the Bringer of Light and bring his true power to this plane, which will certainly result in your integration."He scratched his head. "Hmmm." "The rules only say I can't directly fight you. But," and he waved his hand, summoning two Forbidden Spirits to his side, "the rules don't say these Spirits can't." He turned around and began to walk away. "Now, what do you think the probability of you winning is? Bzzt. That would be zero, like your taste in fashion! Now, tangle with these irrational beasts!" The air appeared to blur around Stein and then he was gone. The two Forbidden Spirits began to rumble. ============= (Mmmm okay I will. Also please note that phrase Stein mentions: I <insert name here> will challenge the angel Stein, the Numerical Singularity and the Bringer of Light and bring his true power to his plane. Angels inherently limit their power when visiting lower planes, and can only unleash their full power when challenged like so. While not unleashing their power, angels are nigh-invincible since their vast resevoirs of mana go into grounding their essence, and any damage dealt to them in this reduced state is recovered instantly. Should you manage to overpower Stein when challenging him, it is possible to defeat him due to his lowered defenses. Of course, Stein at full power can likely obliterate the Earth, so be careful of what you wish for. Both Tonate and Kavin are aware of the nature of angels. Both challenged Stein in an attempt to defeat him, but were mercilessly crushed. Oh, and yes, Kavin is the yoctogram Stein mentioned earlier. I'll try to reduce the sheer size of exposition drops.)
  11. It's Inaban <3

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      Yup. Guess that make you Iori by the nickname? xD

  12. "1 to the 7-3. 2 to the 0-5-0. 8 to the 0-7-5-7. And there." Stein lifted his finger from the black magic circle he drew on the floor. He dusted his hands, then rubbed them together. He slammed a single hand onto the circle he drew. The ground shook, and the circle on the floor opened to a yawning black vortex. Stein stepped backwards and several Spirits in the room flew into the vortex. Every time a Spirit fell into the vortex, the vortex sparked and hissed. "These students are formidable, almost worthy to become factored. This error must be accounted for. The source of the error lies within the Spirits themselves. Weak, only powerful in large numbers." He paused and turned towards the door, seeing no one there. "The Spirits must be factored and expanded, first outside inside last. A new breed of Spirit." Right after Stein finished, the vortex calmed and stopped sparking. The vortex began to spin, more quickly and quickly, and became smaller until it was a small hole in the floor. Then, the room grew cold, and the vortex exploded. From the vortex, several large amorphous black-colored Spirits flew out. Stein smirked. "These new Spirits, the Forbidden Spirits. Brought forth from the irrational fusion of many Spirits. Their battle capacity is at least 21x greater than the others." He gestured to the Spirits to move throughout the school. "Now, Spirits, heed this command. Take this school to the ground!" The Spirits began to rumble, then darted in different directions, leaving holes in the walls. Stein turned to the person in the hallway. "Now, I must deal with this little yoctogram here." He held out his hand and blue energy formed at his fingertips. ====================================== Forbidden Spirits
  13. "QED." The headmaster took another step back, blood seeping from his many wounds. He looked at his aggressor, a bored man with a skull cap and suit. Spirits surrounded him, but were kept back by the other man. "Just another Z-class magician. I was expecting more from the headmaster of Gretchen High." The man didn't even look phazed, or out of breath. Tonate's eyes flashed with anger, and he sent a fireball at the man's face. The man calmly lifted his hand and a single Spirit drifted over and absorbed the fireball. "You realize you are way out of your vector. You, and the rest of Gretchen High, and everyone in this world!" Tonate gritted his teeth. "Don't...mock Gretchen High, you bastard!" "Gretchen High? Pah, I'll just add it to the heap. Like everything else." The man waved his hand dismissively. "What are...you after?" "The perfect solution, of course. Flawlessly calculated over years, the equation that solves for the perfect world. It began with Ein, and it will end with Stein. That's me, of course." The man spread out both his arms. "This world is ugly, devoid of any beauty or order. It must be factored into its basic elements, then formed into a new, perfect era! And I fully intend to bring about the Walpurgis Night itself to bring about this new world!" "You, can't be," and Tonate raised his hand, but then collapsed from his wounds. The man walked over and kicked Tonate over. "What mere human could understand the goals of an angel? Mmm, Tonate?" He waved his hand and a group of Spirits swarmed Tonate's body. He looked up at the sky. "For centuries I have stood by, but no longer. This world has become a sea of irrational numbers, devoid of any sense of order or beauty." He spun around on his feet, and began to walk. "I believe that some student from Gretchen High must have sent a Spirit to Tonate. I did deploy a single Spirit at Gretchen, but to think it would reveal itself so soon...heh. Perhaps I should take a visit himself." His appearance shimmered and soon Stein was gone. ======================================== Here he is, your final boss for this roleplay: Stein And btw, you're welcome, Usui.
  14. (Going good, guys, going good. There's nothing I need to do right now, but if you need me to mess up the plot, whether you want me to or not, I'll be there. )
  15. I wish all days were longer.
  16. That is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
  17. Too plotty and clunky as an idea. However, I'm not a very good judge on ideas anyway, so go forth, if it's that compelling.
  18. Avatar: 8/10 > I like it, just not a very good one. Signature: 3/10 > Way too long.
  19. Apollo Justice pic. I approve a lot.

    1. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin


    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared


  20. (*ahem* Fixing... Anyway, NOW FOR SOMETHING NEW: Nara-chan has been picked from a draw. She will be the FINAL entry, which means all signups are now closed! Again, I leave it up to you to decide how to incorporate her.)
  21. "Isn't that quite interesting. I'm pretty sure I called an additional person here, one Sasaki Saki? Ah, I heard. I hear it's rather difficult to keep appointments...when you're dead." Chills made an unusual grin, as if he was smiling at his own remark. His cool composure soon returned, and he turned to Rouge. He made a dismissive gesture, and said, "Thank you, Rouge, you are dismissed." After Rouge left, he turned back to the group. He put his hands together, and frost began gathering in the room. "I happen to have very important business. Verily, I have little time to deal in the affairs of rowdy students who seem to find it amusing to cause trouble on their first day." He paused, then continued. "Alas, I must mete out some form of punishment to set an example. Oh, the plights of my occupation." He snapped his fingers. "I believe you know Ms. Seeker? She's a teacher at Gretchen. All of you will be serving as her assistants until I tell you that your tenures have passed. I feel that this is an appropriate punishment, even if it is a bit light for me." Chills stood up, then walked to the wall, hands held behind his back. "Also, your Saki. I believe Ms. Seeker will have some form of knowledge regarding her death. Even if she is some sort of crazed conspiratist." He turned back to face the group. "Do I make myself clear? Do you understand what to do?" After Chills received the affirmations, he held out his hand, as if he was about to dismiss the group. Then, he gave a chilly smirk, and said, "I do think I'm being rather soft today. There is one more punishment you will be receiving." He rubbed his hands together, and a blue spark formed between them. "I never leave any student that enters my office without some degree of frostbite." They say the screams coming from Chill's office could be heard across the entire campus.
  22. "Kavin, what is the meaning of this? I am on a important mission and I did mention I will not be interrupted." Tonate appeared cross in the image of the Communication Crystal. "And using the Communication Crystal as well; I assume you have a very important matter. Speak." "I'll spare you the extraneous details and grant you the knowledge that we have successfully kept within the school. A person has been murdered upon campus." Even upon mentioning the murder, Kavin maintained a cool facade. "Bah, you interrupt me with such little news? I assume it was another magic duel or grudge gone wrong. Don't waste my time again." Tonate appeared ready to disconnect the magical channel connecting the two, but then Kavin raised his hand. "Hold it for just a moment. There is one other thing regarding this situation. Upon examination of the body, we found something very unusual: there were no traces of mana on the body." "Of course. Any murderer would wipe the body of all traces afterwards." "That is not quite the same case, Headmaster. By traces, I mean the mana that should be present in the victim's body, but is not. In other words, the victim had the mana drained out of him." Tonate appeared deep in thought. "Very interesting," he finally said. It was an interesting occurence, since it was said to be impossible to empty one's mana resevoir completely. "And I admit it is highly unusual to consult the Oracles for this matter, but the supposed Spirits apparently kill in a matter like such. They drain the mana from human vessels and leave them cold." "The Oracles. Mm. Well, the sheer similarities between the Oracles and the current events going on in the world right now cannot be denied. Now, see here, Kavin, this is classified knowledge, but murders like the one you have described have been going on across the world." "That is quite unusual," Kavin noted. "And more importantly, the output of human magic spells has been drastically increasing, far more than expected." Tonate had a grave expression, as well as Kavin. They both knew what this meant. Tonate cleared his throat. "Now, the Oracles also mention a Great Spilling, where eventually the sheer amount of mana being used by humanity will overflow and cause a great catastrophe. Supposedly, higher levels of magic are one of the signs of the Great Spilling. This is...quite an urgent affair. I will return to Gretchen as soon as possible." "Most certainly, sir. I will anticipate your arrival." Kavin bowed, and the connection cut off. Kavin resealed the Communication Crystal within its box on his desk, and then waited for the rowdy students. ======================================== Communication Crystal The Oracles Spirits Walpurgis Night Great Spilling
  23. "I was hearing some very loud noises all day, and I come here and realize you five were the source. I see you intend to cause trouble on the very first day." The young man brushed his blue hair, then stared coldly at the five students. "I believe you understand what this means? I want you present in my chambers before dinner. I would like a word with all of you, and we will discuss disciplinary measures then." The young man began to walk away, then stopped. "And before you consider doing so, don't 'ditch' this appointment. Otherwise, I do predict that you will have," and the man stopped, turned around and waved his hand. Frost began to gather in the room. The temperature of the air began to fall. "A very chilly reception to Gretchen High." The man then walked away and was gone. ==================================== This is where I would pause the round for downtime, but I'm going to wait and see, since it looks like many of you already managed to bounce back. Hey, guys, a new character! Kavin Chills
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