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tengaku squared

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Everything posted by tengaku squared

  1. Anime Girl 4 Eva and Usui-kun have been picked from a draw. I'll leave it up to you guys to incorporate them.
  2. Oh, I'm late. These are the current entrants: Misaki-chan Ren-kun Red Angel Due to the low number of applicants, I had to lower the selection number significantly. But, if enough new people join, I'll do some redraws and allow more people. Also, do you believe the truth is out there?
  3. The round will be reactivated. Updated sign-up date is now put on the opening post. All applications have been nullified; please send in your new applications.
  4. I guess I could see a connection between Minae and the girl on the left. I'm totally unconvinced on the other two boys, however. Especially Akira.
  5. More like nonexistent photo, if you ask me. There's no photo that links to the specified link. Though it's better to inform a mod for this, it's great that you brought this to our attention. Thank you.
  6. As you may have heard, Colorado is getting a ton of rain. Unforunately, that rain has flooded my house and I need to deal with this. Therefore, I will delay the signup post date for my round to September 18. Apologies. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/4730-dcw-irl-round-11-walpurgisnacht/

    1. User 4869

      User 4869

      Sorry to hear that.

    2. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      Best of luck. Flooding does terrible things to houses. Mold, etc. Make sure you do your research.

    3. Kid the Phantom Thief

      Kid the Phantom Thief

      Don't worry, I'll save you. I'm coming for you!

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  7. Roleplayers: Misaki-chan Ren-kun Red Angel Anime Girl 4 Eva (dropped out) Usui-kun Nara-chan NPC: Rouge Johannes Jin
  8. I think I want to write a fanfic. About DC. Again. And this time I'll finish it and not be lazy.

    1. Wildheart888


      Mohawk-kun! Long time no see~ :P

    2. Lovestruck


      As much as I think that the nickname 'Markie' is awesome, I must say that 'Mohawk' is way better. I wonder how did you come up with that one, Hearty.

    3. Wildheart888


      Loool, I actually don't remember. XD I think I was just....thinking how 'Moho' sounded and then was just like...Mohooooooaawk. Yes. Mohawk. Mohawk-kun. XD I dunnooo~ :PP

  9. heys, iu, there's something in your setting that disables comments ;)

    1. IdentityUnknown


      Pffft, I don't even get alerts so it doesn't really affect me. I just forget to check. But thanks.

  10. Setting: Background Information: Characters: Rules: > Pretty much standard DCW IRL rules. There is one exception: > I will be checking for inactivity every 2 days. This does not mean that you will be kicked for being inactive for 2 days. That just means I will note if you happen to be inactive. If the inactivity becomes excessive, I will kick you. But in general, I'll be a bit more lenient with inactivity. What's Happening This Round: There are a few things in the works for DCW IRL, including something I hope gets here before this round begins, but something else that's on my mind is personal NPCs. We haven't seen them around recently, and I want to test them out in this round. I'm going to be quite lax in regards to moderation this round. I gave you guys the setting, now I want to see what you can do with it in 1 month. There won't be any other gimmicks this round, so people that didn't like my previous round can come back and sign up. Please? How to Signup: Signups will now be accepted until October 20, 2013, 12:00 A.M Mountain Time. NO MORE SIGNUPS ARE BEING TAKEN. Signups will be decided through lottery. By random, I will pick a group of people that sign-up through PM or comment on my profile as participants. Everyone has equal chances, regardless of previous experience, skill, or my personal preference. The only thing that will influence your chances is signing up early. That will set your chances at -1. I request standard stuff, like a generic profile, with your sign-up, but it's not necessary for sign-ups. Though, if you plan to do so, please don't signup through comment. And before you ask, yes, I will be using random.org.
  11. All questions about the wiki should be directed to the Wiki section or to one of the mods. Anyways, welcome to DCW!
  12. Again, from experience, upon leaving, you will likely come back. But I'll answer your question: just leave. Turn off the computer. It isn't that hard at first. But most of us veterans find it difficult to leave forever. And the latter statement is completely nonsensical, and has no correlation with this. It sounds like something from an anime.
  13. We have an Introduce Yourself forum so new people can introduce themselves and feel more with the community. In theory, a Farewell forum would do the opposite, wouldn't it. However, I honestly don't see a need for such a forum: most members bow out quietly without making too big of an affair. Plus, I don't see the need to emphasize farewells on the same level as welcomes. It makes farewells seem permanent (which, certainly isn't the case), and it's just odd in general. People coming is good, people leaving is not so good, and I don't see a need to publicize, or 'celebrate' it. As the only member to my knowledge to post a public farewell on this forum as a topic, from personal experience, it just isn't necessary. The only reason I did so is because my absence would cause a bit of a ripple (I was a bit more popular back then and there were a lot more people), and I genuinely thought I was leaving. I came back in 5 months. People come and go from this forum time to time. Monsi pops in every once in a while, and Aeyra came back after a long hiatus. Farewells can't be permanent on the internet, where it's so easy to get back here even if you leave. And if farewells aren't permanent, we'll have a thing where "hello", "bye", "hello again" becomes prevalent. Just my thoughts.
  14. You lied about Penguindrum, you told me it was "Madoka-class". T_T

    1. AiSuigetsu


      wut no mawaru art is awesome D: and idk if you've noticed but they change the op and ed a little everytime and like so much effort asdfghjkl;

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      they do that op/ed tinkering in madoka too :(

    3. AiSuigetsu
    4. Show next comments  51 more
  15. Hey, look, another K-pop girl group. That would sum up my reaction to this group before Bar Bar Bar came out. Now, Bar Bar Bar has hit number 1 on the Billboard Korea K-Pop Hit 100, and that is a truly impressive feat, considering they are still a fresh group. Most importantly, their unique dance move in Bar Bar Bar, the Straight-Five Engine Dance, is certainly unusual. It's not unlike "Gangnam Style", which as everyone knows popularized a new dance move that no one even contemplated before. It's quirky and fun to see the group move up like an engine. The song is, like most K-pop songs, incredibly infectious, and the lyrics contrast from other girl groups as being entirely fun, not dark. Besides the engine dance, the choreography for the song really fits the energy the song emits, and overall, Bar Bar Bar is just great. It looks like Crayon Pop is on the course to becoming mainstream and popular, and who knows; the engine dance may become as commonplace as the horse-riding dance. Thoughts?
  16. Maurice would be the go-to guy for issues like that, but your alt account is on validating, so I wouldn't worry about it. If you really want some help, PM Maurice and I think he'll get to you. And now for some other stuff: Welcome, I'm Moho, also known as Mark. My chief pairing is Ai x Ran, though I try not to emphasize pairings when possible. Enjoy your time!
  17. I'm pretty sure there's a DC fan near you, you just need to find the right people. That DC fan may be just as eager to talk as you are. And anyways, welcome! Welcome to DCW, enjoy your time, and I hope you stick around!
  18. I also thought I like to see more of Pisco. Calvados was just another sniper (snipers tend to have boring developments, imo), and the affair with Vermouth aside, I had zero interest in him. And Tequila is just brute muscle, what is there to see? Like Chekhov said (taking the words right out of my mouth), Pisco occupied a role that no other Borg seen before, or since, occupied: fundraising. And that honestly fascinated me, because how an organization makes and uses their money can tell a lot about the nature of the organization. How do they get their money? Hit jobs (probably, but still)? What about that APTX, could that be a potential "job" for the Org for a monetary reward? More subtle methods? Hacking? Phishing? Or donations (lol)? How is the money used? Pay off politicians? Attain research materials (admit it, APTX would take a hella money to develop, and the gear as well)? Is the money used to pay the operatives? Or, perhaps, are the operatives unpaid? And in the latter case, why? Is the organization idealistic in nature? A simple glance into the economic branch of the organization can, I believe, shed a lot of light about the nature of the Org.
  19. My response detracts from the purpose of the topic, so I'll spoiler-tag it: Anyways, the worst anime I ever watched, hands down, is Space Pirate Mito. Other series at least looked like the studio tried. These guys didn't even try. Don't even watch it to see what I'm talking about.
  20. Essentially, the first two movies can be called a "recap" of the series, and can be downloaded online (obviously, I can't put up the links, find them yourself). However, saying "recap", I believe, understates the work Shaft put into the movies; the soundtrack and animation have been beefed up incredibly, so a better term would be "revamp". I personally don't think that watching both the series and the first two movies are required; they both tell the same story, with the big differences lying in the visual, soundtrack, and the pacing of the story (some say it's worse than the series, I honestly didn't notice). The first two movies are, as one MAL reviewer put it, a "love-letter to the fans". Though they don't provide any additional material, it's satisfying for the devoted to see a refined Madoka on the screen. Of course, as one of the devoted, I found the two movies absolutely lovely. The third movie is going to be a sequel off the main series, and honestly, it's the one we're most anxious about. Several fun facts and speculah flying around, but take them with a grain of salt, as always. You can bet I'll be at the premier. This is a discussion topic for the three movies. Make sure spoilers are kept spoiler-taged.
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