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Detective Conan World

tengaku squared

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Everything posted by tengaku squared

  1. In the words of Aeyra, just screw up the plot every 3 days.

  2. I'm pretty sure you fit the qualifications.

  3. Getting feedback, that's all.

  4. I'm glad you see it my way. :D

  5. If you don't join I'll personally ensure your upcoming birthday is a 'Bloody Birthday'. :D

  6. Good too. I saw you looking at my round. What ya think?

  7. Players (winners are bolded): Misaki-chan - WINNER (civilian) Roommate: KKLT Role: Hunter (previously), Raider Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief - (murderer) Roommate: Misaki-chan Role: Silencer (previously), Hunter Heksu - WINNER (third party) Roommate: Wicky Role: Fool (previously), Desperado OTTD Player - (civilian) Roommate: Akai Sera Role: Doctor (previously), Surgeon Ren-kun - WINNER (civilian) Roommate: AiSuigetsu Role: Little Boy AiSuigetsu - (civilian) Roommate: Ren-kun Role: Little Girl (previously), Mimic Akai Sera - (murderer) Roommate: OTTD Player Role: Gunman Wicky - WINNER (civilian) Roommate: Heksu Role: Private Eye (previously), Spy MVRP: KKLT
  8. This is what I believe as well, except something kinda nags me, that girl looks familiar.
  9. Yes, and being able to do that puts you above about 80% of us here. That's good. Can you speak, hear, and write?
  10. I'll say this on behalf of IU: Signups now closed!
  11. Good morning, good afternoon, good night, welcome!
  12. If I told you where I got them, it wouldn't be a secret anymore. D:

  13. #2 :V Incorrect, it's #1. Although my room is clean, my desk never is. And fast food is terrible. #1) I can perfectly do the dance in "Gangnam Style". #2) My favorite American president is Franklin Delaware Roosevelt. #3) My computer runs Mac OS X and Windows 7.
  14. #2 Correct. I'm hopeless with strings. 1) My desk is always a mess. 2) My room is always a mess. 3) I dislike fast food.
  15. 2. Please. #1) The first instrument I played was the violin, but my best instrument is the saxophone. #2) I regularly make Touhou references in real life. #3) I have a one-handed backhand in tennis.
  16. I've been having some health issues recently, and it's starting to take a toll on my physical and mental health.
  17. I see Anti's done pretty much all the work for me. I'll chip in now and then, but you're doing a fantastic job.
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