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Detective Conan World

tengaku squared

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Everything posted by tengaku squared

  1. Argh....now that's a hard one. Conan x Dog (see the Iron Tanuki and Pet John Murder Case) Facebook or Twitter?
  2. True. Part of my username comes from a Pokemon. Someone who does not like pokemon.
  3. For example: 0 --> Rookie 1-15 --> Watson? and so on?
  4. By my time, it is not your birthday.

    By your time, it is your birthday.

    Happy birthday!

  5. Tabasco. Mitshuiko falling off a cliff or Genta falling off a cliff?
  6. Please understand that you can be nice...yes?
  7. My name is RosaBalder? I'm not that old to start losing hair...

  8. Then I will hunt him down until I find him and make him tell me. What if Gosho died before finishing DC? (Wait, I don't want to think about that..)
  9. I have a grandmother named berry...

  10. I have already added you...its not showing up though.

  11. Welcome to DCW! Sorry I was late. Hope you have fun!
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