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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. Really, really pissed off at the London riots going on right now.
  2. I have no tolerance for people who start violent riots that involve hurting innocents. I hope the police give you little shits hell.

  3. Breaking news: Deadbeat, jobless dirtbags are still deadbeat, jobless dirtbags.

  4. .@gabapple: "MITSUHIKO, ARE YOU REACHING FOR AYUMI'S BUTT?!" Glad to know that you pay attention to the important things, Gab. <3

    1. Parkur


      love me some gabapple

  5. YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS *sniffles* ;___;

  6. "The Jii Mobile" is a phrase that I need to see more often.
  7. "Your so easy to tease about you're grammar."

    ... did you ever know that you're my hero?

  8. So that was a pretty damn good episode of the show. As usual.

  9. I am rocking out to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time soundtrack. Do not judge me.

    1. Parkur
    2. Ranger


      hm, Ive been there, Ive jammed with the Pokemon Anime OST

    3. Ranger


      along with countless anime op/eds

    4. Show next comments  306 more
  10. FUUUU, I reserved it when it was at $109.99 THREE DAYS AGO, you mean to tell me I could've reserved it for LESS?! ;__; http://amzn.to/pxXy3B

    1. Chekhov MacGuffin

      Chekhov MacGuffin

      Ask for a price adjustment if you can. Or re-reserve it.

    2. Parkur


      how unfortunate *troll face*

  11. CarpetCrawler


    I've used Skype for many-a-situation, including podcasts as Southpaw mentioned above.
  12. Sez You. I dug it from what I read. It's Detective Conan if Gosho still had enough balls to do violent cases again.
  13. That surprises me. I tend to see more folks that want it to end as compared to folks that want it to keep going.
  14. The game is not programmed to display past 999 lines. Holy shit. http://twitgoo.com/2mbjgi

  15. Episodes 77-78, Distinguished Family's Accidental Death Case: http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Distinguished_Family%27s_Consecutive_Accidental_Death_Case
  16. Statler and Waldorf are my HEROES.

  17. I just lost all of my texts. Again. Thanks, Android!!

  18. I'm sure that a BO/Graveyard section could be set up, as long as moderators also had access to it (in case of member issues or the like). The GMail idea is a good one, though let's hope that certain people don't have their names already taken...
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