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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. Wasted away my Monday like a boss.

    1. MadelineLime


      I wasted it more than you. I slept through the entire day.

    2. tengaku squared

      tengaku squared

      Wish I could waste away Mondays like that.

    3. Ranger


      jealously level over 9000

  2. Sinus Infection, my old friend, it's been awhile...

  3. Yeah, that's something that we've certainly wanted to do, IE. the past "will all of these murders affect the Detective Boys in the future" discussion. I've always wanted to do a discussion on things we DON'T like about the series, since it's far from perfect. Wasn't the motive entirely. Her motive had more to do with the fact that her prize hairdresser was leaving to work for someone else (or was starting her own hairstyling business, I don't remember off-hand). The hanger thing was just her rage hitting a critical limit. Thank you very much!!
  4. I think other than Rarity, Derpy is my 2nd favorite pony. This is lovely. <33333
  5. Episode 23 of the DCW podcast is now out!! mp3 download: http://t.co/fwdF11I0 Streaming link: http://t.co/sqxupDVj

  6. Episode 23 is now out~! Check the main post for the link to the mp3 as well as the stream~ Also, I want to thank Jd- for editing this one and getting us out of a jam. And expect a big surprise announcement during episode 24~! Until then, check out this one and enjoy. <3 Lately she's been having bad luck with her mic; hopefully things will work out sooner rather than later. We'll see next episode, since she does not appear in this one.
  7. *brofist* RT @Nick_Offerman: I require no holiday to eat my fill of Corned Beef.

  8. Did so much stuff, feeling a little exhausted right now!! Podcast fans, stay tuned, AWESOME news will be coming soon!!

  9. Why is it that no matter what cable provider I switch to, NONE of them work correctly? Are you freakin' kidding me, Comcast?

    1. MadelineLime


      Everyone knows Comcast blows, and Verizon is annoying. :\

  10. We just finished recording the podcast, it should be out soon, folks~!

    1. Balthazar Manfredie

      Balthazar Manfredie

      kyuu should be on one of the next podcasts

    2. Stopwatch


      He's kind of busy from what I hear so it wouldn't be so convenient for him... though it would be awesome if it actually happened imo :x

  11. Oh, I should probably do this too. Name: Josh Code: 2535 - 4167 - 2005
  12. So I heard the guy that hosted "The Money Maze" was arrested for protesting.

  13. I keep seeing BenxAnn shippings under the Ben Wyatt tag on Tumblr. Whoever is doing that, STOP IT ALREADY. AGH.

    1. MadelineLime


      But we should let everyone ship what they waaaaant. /sarcasm

  14. This broken air vent thing is making my room feel like a sauna. No joke, it's hotter in here than it is outside. Apartments suck.

    1. Henry Gordan

      Henry Gordan

      How hot is in there (in Celsius)

  15. Ed Helms on Real Time with Bill Maher tomorrow? AWESOME!!

  16. Um, Liz, I'm pretty sure that's not a great German curse... #30Rock

  17. So tired today. The air vents being broken in our complex is certainly not helping matters.

  18. Phew, long day, time for bed~!

  19. YES. IT WILL BE AN EVENT. RT @AlannaBennett TOMORROW. #Community

  20. Disappointed in how the Knicks relationship with D'Antoni ended. I hope Melo is prepped, MSG fans certainly will be booing him for this one.

  21. This is Tweet 14,000. I will dedicate it to the short-lived television show, "Do Over", which is actually really good and should be on DVD.

  22. And the NCAA Tournament begins!!

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