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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. Those aren't gummy worms. They're real worms. Enjoy.

  2. I love the double fail. <3

  3. Who says it's going to happen again?

  4. *gropes you unintentionally*

  5. For the kind of obscure stuff I buy, sometimes I don't have a choice. Thankfully the only times I've ever been burned were from eBay.
  6. I stick with eBay and Amazon, not counting the rare occasions where I have to buy an independent item from the person's website.
  7. .@MagicBulletGirl should tweet more often so I can see that lovely icon!!

  8. Knicks beat the defending NBA champions with the best defense in the league. Today is a good day.

  9. Accidentally punched myself in the face while fist-pumping watching this Knicks game. Today's gonna be a good day.

  10. Sera is bad and you should feel bad.

  11. Azu as Gilda is still the greatest thing ever. Or Waka as Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pony. ONE OF US \o/
  12. Listening to my friend "Radio Chuck" Donegan over at http://t.co/RdncRrRs!!

  13. You can pretty much bet the farm that @dctpws is working very hard and fast on the latest episode of Conan. It will be out very soon, folks!

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      DON'T BET THE FARM! You'll make AJ sad!

    2. diyon


      I can not wait anymore ya .


  15. KIRITE!!

    You are awesome and need to exist more!! <3333

  16. Eating lunch and catching up on yesterday's TV. And hey, maybe I'll actually watch MLP on the same day it airs for once!!

  17. I was trying to type in "fan" and my Autocorrect corrected it to "Gab". @gabapple

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