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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. I'm in a car with a Republican bumper sticker. I feel like I'll need a shower when I get home.

  2. Oh my god, I from now on I live just to hear Big Macintosh say pet names. This is amazing. #MyLittlePony

  3. 8:31 and my sister decides to bring my nephew over in the midst of a temper tantrum. Yay.

  4. I really do hate February with a passion. Cannot wait until this month is over. Always feels like the longest month. >.>

    1. Lovestruck


      Even though its the shortest? LOL

    2. Cindy-Chen


      The shortest month feels the longest...???


    3. MadelineLime


      My birthday is this month ;__;

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  5. I'm hoping that I do get to go out this morning. Have some errands I really need to run right now. :-/

  6. The latest episode of the podcast has broken downloading records... you guys are awesome!!

    1. MadelineLime


      It's all Takagi. Make every podcast about him.

    2. Misaki-chan
  7. I've been really, really bad with Twitter lately. That includes looking at all of you tweets, and I missed important stuff. I'm sorry, guys!

  8. Watching Martin Bashir right now. One of the few cable news network shows I'll admit to enjoying.

  9. I'm hoping this is a Secret of Mana reference so I can hug you right now.

  10. .@gabapple is the best. Just sayin'. <333

  11. I will buy you some prunes for your birthday. <3

  12. Maybe tomorrow the good lord'll take you away?

  13. You could always just ignore me you know. ;D

  14. You used to be a lot nicer.

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