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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. Everyone: @ickaimp is my hero, and should be yours. That is all.

  2. Someone just said, "people are stupid, I mean, look, people voted for Obama." And they were sober when they said this. I can't even.

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      They meant to say "people voted for Bush... TWICE"

  3. I think I've found the greatest thing ever in the history of the world. Behold: http://t.co/a5SdnbY5

  4. Now taking new medication that should hopefully not create insomnia for me and make me feel better. We'll see.

  5. Maybe I should live-tweet about the ACTUAL LUNG I'm coughing up!! #SinusInfection #Fun

  6. As am I. My brother literally squeed when he heard what it was going to use. xD He loves reading about stuff like Shingen Takeda and the like.
  7. So if you start getting sleeplessness from taking MucinexD, you're supposed to stop taking it immediately. Oh. Um. Awkward.

  8. DCW user justwantanaccount translated all of this and some more over at DCW. Highly recommend you check it out: http://t.co/uFqqpaAw

  9. Some very fascinatingly interesting information there. Didn't know that Ran was 17 yet, but I guess it makes sense considering her birthday hasn't happened in the manga yet. His sleeping schedule doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
  10. Want to go back to sleep, but already my body has woken up, that'll be it for me for now. What to do...

  11. .@gabapple and I have come to the conclusion that we both suck at life. It all makes sense now for the both of us. ;____;

  12. Blehhhh, I was feeling better before but now I feel crappy again. >:(

  13. Seriously, does the sun ever come out in Indiana? No wonder I'm so sick, the crappy weather isn't helping.

  14. That's a good question, and I don't know how I missed that. But yes, they do. Though Maurice has lowered the adspace in recent years. There were a lot more around here in 2009.
  15. The only people that defend math are the ones who pissed away their life mastering it in school only to find out they have no job either.

  16. I remember my 10th grade English teacher said that "Ralph" in Lord of the Flies is a lot like Ron Howard. That makes sense actually.

  17. My throat is so sore right now I feel like I could breathe out fire. The transformation to Spike the Dragon is nearing closer and closer...

  18. One of my favorite sports-pieces ever was one that Jim Huber beautifully wrote and narrated about Len Bias for TNT many, many years ago.

  19. Sore throat and bad sinuses? I thought one of my resolutions was to NOT get so damn sick? >.>

  20. You know, I never did comment on this, mostly because I've been so out of the loop with that wiki for a long time. I think we missed the boat completely by doing this. A series-specific wiki is SUPPOSED to be annoyingly in-depth. This is SUPPOSED to be excessive. We're a wiki for a series. We're not Wikipedia. We shouldn't be trying to be Wikipedia.
  21. CarpetCrawler


    Technically... no. Gamers like to say it is legal to play it via emulation because they "own the game", but still, it's technically not legal.
  22. I can tell you this right now, it ain't happening anytime soon. We can stop digging this old thing up every few months, guys. It ain't gonna work on DCW, let it die.
  23. DCTP has a thread for that kind of meme, it probably came from there. I'd rather we stick with posting the Gosho meme, please.
  24. Big day tomorrow for quite a few reasons. Hope it goes well.

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