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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. The deleted scenes for "Sister City" were funnier than the actual episode!! #ParksAndRec

  2. Can't believe we live in a world where Whitney is probably going to be renewed and Community and Parks and Recreation aren't. People suck.

  3. Hmm... did @gabapple send in this confession to the TV Series Confessions! Tumblr? http://t.co/Ys9XWB9y

    1. miss-anonymouss


      lol I still love that show too and I'm in my 20's as well. XD

  4. I could have lived without knowing that "Lucas" from The Wizard is a registered sex offender. Thanks, internet.


    The internet teaches me things I wish I hadn't known in the first place.


  6. Wow, the first update to your 3DS is pretty big. Taking awhile now.

  7. The Wizard is a wonderfully bad movie. "you got fifty thousand on Double Dragon?!" Um, yeah, OK.

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      The power glove...

  8. I really am so much like Dave. .___. #ParksAndRec

  9. Like I said, they give me a heart attack, but glad that they could squeak out a win. <3 always a New Yorker. <3

  10. When I'm not dead tired I will list what I got. :P

  11. My brother knows me so well. <333 a Megure figurine!! http://t.co/TnIhoy3i

  12. Why, yes, I am squeeing because @gabapple got me this for Christmas, deal with it. <333 http://t.co/iD9LyB9L

  13. OK, going home in an hour. Opening presents at midnight!!

    1. AokoNakamori


      mery christmas carpet. we're doing the same at midnight since we all have to be gone all day tomorrow visiting family and church

  14. .@gabapple just told me that she's sniffing the card I gave her. Um, cool. Glad you, uh, like it.

  15. As I explained, the frank truth is better. <3 Besides, I don't have enough vomit bags to pass out to everyone so I can't mention my name ideas.
  16. The Ultimate True Love: MegurexAgasa *ducks incoming tomatoes* EDIT: my IM-conversation with skyechan immediately after posting this: skyechan 10:33 pm oh come on, you could've figured out something more creative for the name than that =w=; CarpetCrawler 10:33 pm what? CarpetCrawler 10:33 pm why creativity? wouldn't the frank truth be more appropriate? <3 skyechan 10:33 pm =w=;
  17. "and a partridge on a Perry... The Platypus!!"

  18. .@gabapple is still one of the coolest people ever (besides me, of course.) <3

  19. About to watch some Rugrats Christmas stuff, but I really, really wanna watch Parks and Recreation. I blame @MagicBulletGirl for that. >P

  20. Gave up on fiddling with my stupid ear buds. Into the garbage they go. Even Skullcandy ones don't last longer than three months. -___-

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      Skullcandy suck... http://www.head-fi.org/t/478568/multi-iem-review-208-iems-compared-clear-tune-monitors-ctm-200-added-12-10-11 There ya go. A nice review thread for IEMs. You might also look into how to take care of them, because 3 months is short for any IEM

    2. Kyuu Nye
  21. You knowing what Match Game is makes my day. Thank you.

  22. Happy Birthday to one of my biggest heroes, Gene Rayburn. I think I'll watch some Match Game today.

    1. Uncle Sporkums

      Uncle Sporkums

      Awesome! I love that show too! "Dumb Dora was so dumb.." XD

  23. Oh, give me a break guys. I check this forum four times a day or so, and every time I go to the "view new content" button and see that there are 3-4 pages of new posts in there everytime I look. Maybe if people would actually look at threads other than the ones in the Off-Topic chatroom they wouldn't be complaining so much, since the complaint seems to really be "no one has responded to my chatroom post in the past twenty minutes" instead of "this forum is too quiet". To say that this forum is too quiet is preposterous. You want to see some quiet boards? Heck, ones dedicated to this fandom no less?
  24. You've been here for ten days. You don't even know what quiet around here is.
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