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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. --> Agreed, you don't spam me enough. :P RT @ParkurDC: @stripedpandaa spam me more

  2. Face it, the world sucks, let's all go to Hawaii.

  3. My snack right now is COUNT CHOCULA. Feel free to be jelly, guys.

  4. Other than "best" and "picture" and "ever" and "bagel", there are no words that can describe the beauty and amazingness of this image.
  5. I will take care of that. /YumixChiba forever
  6. There has to be a way to burn really big (IE. 2.5 hours) mp4 video files onto DVD without having to convert to .avi and losing its quality.

    1. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      There is, it is called "Dual Layer"

    2. CarpetCrawler


      I've never had good luck with Dual-Layer discs. They die out on me pretty quickly for some bizarre reason. Also, I use Taiyo Yuden discs when I burn stuff (they're the best and longest lasting blank disc brand, as the unfortunate truth is that most blank media will die on you in the long run) and... they don't sell 'em yet. Though if they did, I'd jump at the opportunity to try 'em once more.

    3. Kyuu Nye

      Kyuu Nye

      in that case... you can only compress as far as i know, or reencode using another pass to shave off some size


  8. I would fall asleep and sleep through the time when everyone I want to talk to happens to be online. I am awesome.

  9. I am so sick of networks cancelling shows after like a season because of low ratings. Cheers was last place in its first season, you know.

  10. I'm sure you've seen this story a billion times today, but I had to link to it too. Unbelievably touching: http://t.co/NHGkXKre

  11. ... you're interning for Dr. Insano, aren't you.


  12. Holy crap, nice pot belly dude. http://t.co/PG4VMkZ6

    1. TheBlackTac


      Is that Rey Mysterio by any chance? Lol.

  13. Hey, did you know that if you say gullible slowly, it sounds like oranges? :o

    1. Hstar


      Also, if you look up, it says gullible on the ceiling :P

    2. Lia.


      Did you know that 'gullible' is not in the dictionary? :o

    3. IdentityUnknown


      Or that if you stare at the word 'gullible' long enough, it'll disappear? :o

  14. Is it bad if I don't have a least favorite fast food place? I kind of like all of them.
  15. The word many months ago was January. No idea if that's possible or not, but that's what the word was.
  16. Some thought was put into it. It's to make the movies seem more special. Goofy little Easter egg that wasn't meant to be completely noticed and appreciated by everyone, but there you go.
  17. Word, on all counts. I thought I locked all of these... but here we go, this one will be locked as well. Nothing leads to more heated arguments and cheap name-calling like a political thread. Like I said in another thread similar to this, I'd rather we don't have such discussions on this forum. Thank you.
  18. No, you're wrong. That was an oversight on my part. It should say "dub" after "Funimation".
  19. That won't take them all that much effort.
  20. I've been making this point longer than all of you. It's up to Maurice, basically. If it were up to me, it would've been long gone over a year ago. Anything I would've said has been summed up by pretty much everyone else in here.
  21. Taking a 'net break for a little while. Watching The Odd Couple, and @excuseyou77 would appreciate this, Jack Soo is a guest star!! :D

  22. I don't think you really want to know. RT @gabapple: How come two year-olds smell like hamsters sometimes?

  23. .@gabapple: "LEND ME YOUR EAAARRR--" Me: "*walks away*" Gab: "D:"

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