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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. This is why I will never like soccer as much as I'd like to, and why I can never take it seriously: http://t.co/HdWCA7ak

  2. Holy Toledo, do I hate .mpg files. Nothing bugs me more than downloading a super big RAR and it turns out to be a freakin' .mpg. Cheapskate.

  3. BREAKING NEWS: I bought a used DVD set and the discs WEREN'T SCRATCHED!!

  4. We went to Burger King before shopping. That was 9 hours ago. I am STILL full from that, so I didn't even eat dinner.
  5. I'm sure @MagicBulletGirl will be happy with one if the things I bought. :)

  6. Have you heard his Somebody to Love audition? OMG, at the LEAST he needs to do a full version of that. I would be more than willing to pay for a d/l of that.
  7. His cover of "Somebody to Love" is way too ridiculously good.

    Also, he actually even looks a little like Freddie. If he grew out his hair he'd be a dead ringer for Freddie early in his career. Freakin' awesome.

  8. Helping pack away video games. Yay for being productive for the first time today!!

  9. Would I have won a prize if it was for a whole minute?

  10. The hell were @gabapple and @ParkurDC babbling on about while I was gone? o___O #Confused

  11. Come on Ibuprofen, do your stuff~

    1. Kansokuri


      ipubrofen makes me wanna sleep...

      So when i need it and I take it (1 only) I sleep...

    2. -The Rising Angel-

      -The Rising Angel-

      It's one secudary effect, Kuri-chan

    3. Anti-APTX4869


      Those things are awesome pain killers. but for me, the pain comes back the next day twice as much.. =_=

    4. Show next comments  261 more
  12. Episode 17 of the Detective Conan World podcast is now here!! We had a special guest, Chekhov MacGuffin!! d/l it here: http://t.co/7ycwLJNJ

  13. Episode 17 of the podcast is now out, everyone!! Check out the main post for the link. This time I wanna thank Chekhov MacGuffin for being a guest on the show. Chek is someone that I've been wanting to have on the show for lord knows how long, and she was more than a fantastic guest. I look forward to having her on again in the future, and could honestly hear her talk about Conan for quite a while. <3 Everyone, check it out for Chek!! <3 She's just as awesome on the show as she is around these parts.
  14. It sucks that A. Windows DVD Maker is the only DVD-making software that hasn't been crappy to me. B. It's so damn SLOW. Bleh.

  15. I can't watch Christmas episodes of TV shows when it's not the Christmas season. #MajorPetPeeve

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