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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. I just woke up and went on Facebook. Yeah. Good work, Facebook.

  2. Face it, you're the biggest Kaoko fanboy ever.
  3. I think some well-deserved sleep is in order, no?

  4. Case Closed fans, recommended that you read this. Hope it lays to rest the idea FUNimation will dub the series anymore: http://t.co/YIm7f0tS

    1. Aeyra


      I applaud your post. :D Funimation better not dub more... I'm sorry, but I only watch the dubs to comment on what a fail it was.

    2. Sherlock Lupin

      Sherlock Lupin

      Thank you for this. Hopefully people will get the message that Case Closed is gone for good.

  5. Apparently not enough, because folks are still clinging on to the fantasy pipe dream that FUNimation still hasn't given up on the series, when FUNi clearly gave up three years ago and no one wants to admit it. Considering they're trying to milk every cent out of those Viridian sets that they can, that won't be happening anytime soon. That's an apples to oranges comparison. Family Guy getting the raw deal from FOX has become a bit of an exaggerated urban legend. The success that the show had in its first year guaranteed it a decent run (FOX will give up on shows pretty quickly, hence its reputation for so long, but if a show gets enough of a response it will hang onto it as long as it can) and the only reason why it got cancelled was because of various time slot moves that were head scratchers to most television critics at the time. I mean, seriously, who the hell tries to put ANYTHING up against the #1 show in television at the time? However, even with the slot moves, it had a pretty damn dedicated audience. Enough of a dedicated audience that it honestly could've been a fine property for Comedy Central. However, Adult Swim got the rerun rights to it for basically free on dumb luck alone. The show had enough of a cult internet audience that no matter what network was gonna air it at a time slot that STAYED IN THE SAME PLACE it was guaranteed to be a runaway hit. And that's exactly what Family Guy did was become a runaway hit. That's what almost every television critic of the time predicted would happen. In fact I would argue that Family Guy's success had less to do with the DVD sales as compared to the high ratings it got on Adult Swim. The show honestly really helped out Adult Swim, which was at that point lacking in programming. But it helped that Family Guy already had a loyal audience in the first place. Case Closed never had that loyal audience. Case Closed never had enough of a following for Adult Swim to want to hang onto it for long enough. Case Closed never had the extremely vocal internet following like Adult Swim had. Case Closed had 20 vocal extreme fans while Family Guy had video clips posted everywhere, screenshots of funny scenes, T-shirts of various random moments, and lots and lots of forum posts littered with quotes from the series. Case Closed didn't. It was shuffled to 5 AM for a reason. That's a death slot. It also helped that FOX promoted Family Guy properly, even during the early seasons that I mentioned above. Even though the show as being moved left and right, FOX really did promote the living hell out of it until the 2001-02 season when they figured that no one was watching the show (not figuring the timeslots were the main problem here). A whopping one demographic garnered decent-to-good ratings for the show, and it wasn't the demographic that Adult Swim or FUNimation was hoping for, hence FUNimation never promoted the show properly, because they didn't WANT the 12-18 demo for the show. They wanted the 18-34 demo; the demo that doesn't actually watch Adult Swim in the first place. And, of course, there's always the possibility that nobody wants to admit: Detective Conan may just not be a series that interests a lot of American television viewers. Adult Swim tried. FUNimation, at first, tried. They really did. No one was interested enough. Hence, FUNimation gave up on the series. It's over. Done. Turn out the lights. I've had one of the English dub VA's outright tell me that they haven't done any work on the series since 2004. Reps from FUNimation have told me that there are no future plans to dub the series. I'm sure the licensing contract is going to fun out soon. It's done. No amount of petitions in the world are gonna change that. I've seen everything from petitions to e-mails to podcasts to people begging others to buy the DVD's so that it looks like enough people give a damn about the series for it to keep going. However, we have to face reality here: Detective Conan was a tremendous disappointment in the United States, no matter what way you look at it, no matter how critically acclaimed it is, and no matter how the ratings go in Japan. It didn't have the audience. That's the way the business goes, ladies and gentlemen. FUNimation tried, and they moved on. I suggest you all do the same.
  6. So basically any movie like the first few ones?
  7. You'd rather have Kaitou Kid return again?
  8. In the mood to watch every Halloween movie for some reason... o___O I was always a huge Michael Myers fan.

  9. *points to topic title* Obviously it's time to PARTAYYYYYYYY
  10. Totally imagining Gin pushing all of the kids in line at Disney Land so that he can get on the It's a Small World teacup ride first.
  11. ~To see you is to love you, and I see you everywhere. In the sunrise, in the moon glow, anyplace I look, you're there~

  12. I'm here, I'm here. Just quiet.

  13. I dunno, I kinda like the later episodes because there's only so much of "HURR DURR WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE ALWAYS RIGHT SO WE'LL KEEP YOU FROM DOING STUFF" per episode that I can take before I'm like, "SHUT UP ALREADY AND GET ON WITH THE CASE!!" I'm SO glad that later episodes focus less on them accepting Shawn's weirdness. I'm all for comedy and I'm all for Shawn and his quirkyness, but when the case takes a backseat to it then it's a chore to sit through. I'm the same way with Monk as well. The show gets a lot funnier when they just accept that he is who he is. The episode with the scene where Monk, Stottlemeyer, and a random cop are popping the bubble wrap together is one of my favorite scenes ever.
  14. Was gonna ask a certain someone (*coughMBGcough*) if they wanted to watch the new Doctor Who w/me, but it looks like they're still away. D:

  15. Oh, gee, another thread has been sidetracked into another stupid conversation, what a shock.
  16. Mark Henry really won? Aww, congrats!!

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