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Detective Conan World


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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. Somehow, they're winning so far.

  2. I would have to say that my sleeping schedule is a bit messed up right now. :-/

  3. Just finished some treadmill running and my legs feel like they're gonna fall off. .____. oh well. Now I need to start a routine again.

  4. I wish it was like 7 or something. Really feel like just going on a treadmill for an hour.

  5. her response: "it just sort of slips out sometimes" RT @CageChristian: what RT @CarpetCrawlerDC: .@gabapple just mooed at me. What the hell.

  6. Now I have that Barenaked Ladies song stuck in my head. /haven't you always wanted a mon-KEY~
  7. Baked pretzels are currently being made in here. I am a happy camper.

  8. Rocking out to Queen. Isn't that what everyone else does at eight in the morning?

  9. I should probably start reading that Psychology Today issue that I bought, huh? It's gonna be outdated in like a week. Need to subscribe now

  10. What's up, Conan fans? :D

    1. Monsi


      Other than being awake for 36 hours since Monday until yesterday night, then slept for 10 hours, I'm still fine... :P

  11. I have a Dr. Venkman plushie. You know you are jealous. http://t.co/TgkQvXe

  12. I realized after 30 seconds I was too busy going "Akako... <33333333333333" and realized by then I had already lost the challenge. Akako... *.*
  13. I think I've seen more episodes of Monsterpiece Theater than I have of Masterpiece Theater.

  14. All three suggestions are correct.
  15. Thanks sinus headache. I didn't want to have a comfortable night or anything. #Sarcasm

  16. I was 11. My Mom picked me up from school immediately when it happened, actually. We were all really, really worried because my Uncle was in the City at the time, and wasn't answering his phone. He was going to do some work near the Towers so everyone started freaking out when he didn't answer his phone. Thankfully we learned that he was OK later.
  17. My favorites are 2, 3, and 8. I think the first problem people have with these things is that they take them a little too seriously when all they're meant to be are dumb, harmless fluff. They're bad, you say? That's... kind of the point, actually.
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