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Everything posted by CarpetCrawler

  1. No internet = massive Conan catch-up time. :D caught up on the anime and Magic Kaito stuff, now I just have to catch-up on the live-action.

  2. Oh goodie, looks like my internet is down again. I thought I was going to escape this BS?

  3. Why does bacon have to be so tasty? ;_;

  4. Really hope I get to go to Best Buy today... I'm cracking with these spare ear buds. They're terrible. ;____;

    1. Mia Ehru

      Mia Ehru

      uh-oh.. hope you're more lucky buying a new ones ^_^''

  5. Kleeneie-meanie-baheenie-banana-fanana-foheenie~

  6. Feeling happy again after a really bad time last night. That's a good thing. Maybe. With my luck this is probably a bad omen or something.

  7. Watching clips from "Network", which is for my money the best movie of all time. Now I want to watch it again. <3

  8. ;_; poor Conan, even in Indiana you are under-appreciated. http://t.co/4FOuQ4M


  10. I hate VHS tapes. I can't believe we all stuck with this crap for so long. Ridiculous.

  11. I think @gabapple has hacked Parkur's account!! D: RT @CageChristian: getting this blood off of my mirror is gonna be a bitch

  12. But this is about things we LIKE, Parkur!!
  13. It's a damn good show. Watch episodes from later seasons, because they're so, so much better than earlier ones. The entire Mr. Yin/Yang story-arc ALONE I would recommend for mystery fans.
  14. Wow, I've always wondered what Voodoo Child would sound like if it were being played through a tin can. Thanks, spare ear buds!!

  15. Oh my god these spare ear buds SUCK. I miss my old ones. ;____; Why do ear buds have to be so crappily made?!

  16. R.I.P. my ear buds.

    1. Aeyra


      Mine died too... It was working on only one eat for a month before they cracked... Stupid things. DX

  17. Yeah, that's always been my logic too. Every now and then we'll get a gem, but sometimes I really do wonder if it's really worth all the effort.
  18. There's a reason why it has the reputation that it does. I'm someone who has to watch EVERY single Conan-related thing ever aired or released or anything, but if I had known that it was gonna be that much of an insult to my intelligence, I wouldn't have even bothered.
  19. I like good video games. Which is why I have a Wii. /and a PS3 //and a 360 ///It's nice to have an entire family of gamers sometimes.
  20. You wouldn't be the only none. You'd be surprised (or not, considering how bad they are) at how many Conan fans I know of that skip any AO's.
  21. We already have a thread like this, so I'll lock it instead.
  22. What, you mean normal ones? http://t.co/QFvFtka

    1. Rukia Kurosaki

      Rukia Kurosaki

      XD. I have that same copy of Jung, BTW.

    2. CarpetCrawler


      Are you a fellow fanatic of Psychology? FAIR MADAM <3

  23. And the bizarre thing is that she's watching "Dr. Katz". RT @gabapple: They don't do animation in tv shows like this anymore. <3 Amazing.

  24. Thinking about buying this. Would save me a lot of space for my discs; I'm running out of storage space for them now: http://t.co/nv90grb

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